Alaska Life Hack: Alaska Airlines will boost flights to NYC, but won’t fly there from LAX


Alaska Airlines is reorganizing its routes to better compete. The company will be offering 25 daily nonstop flights from West Coast cities to New York’s JFK, (12 flights) and Newark (13 fights.)

But those flights will not leave from Los Angeles International Airport. Instead, Alaska Airlines will exit the Los Angeles-JFK market and move those flights to other West Coast hubs. Starting Oct. 6, it will have 12 peak daily nonstops to JFK, using all of its allocated arrival and departure slots:

  • Seattle-JFK, 4 daily nonstops
  • San Francisco—JFK, 4 daily nonstops
  • Portland-JFK, 2 daily nonstops
  • San Diego-JFK, 2 daily nonstops
  • Seattle—Newark, 4 daily nonstops
  • Los Angeles-Newark, 4 daily nonstops
  • San Francisco-Newark, 3 daily nonstops
  • Portland-Newark, 1 daily nonstop
  • San Diego-Newark, 1 daily nonstop

The route between LAX and JFK is one of the most competitive in the country, with American, Delta, JetBlue, and United all serving that itinerary with flat beds. It’s a market that Alaska wasn’t competing in as well as it had hoped.

For those passengers with tickets for after that Oct. 6, the airline will be contacting them to help with new arrangements.


  1. I will not leave any money in Portland or Seattle. Not even in airport businesses. Yes, I know they will get taxes from my ticket but that’s all.

  2. Here’s a life hack: Drop the mask requirement. Those who choose to wear them are protected. Right?
    LMAO Those who choose not to wear a mask can live a life unprotected.

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