Certified midwives, known for helping bring children into the families of Alaska, are now allowed to suction them into the fresh air for the express purpose of destroying them.
An Anchorage Superior Court judge has ruled that not only can doctors perform abortions in the state, licensed “advanced practice clinicians” can give out abortion-inducing pills and suction out living unborn children from mothers’ wombs. The decision is in advance of Garton’s decision in an underlying case brought in 2019 by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, Hawaii, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky.
The trial took place in November, when Planned Parenthood argued that physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and certified nurse midwives are entitled to provide both medication and “aspiration” or suction abortion, even though it is “beyond the scope of their practice.”
The pro-abortion group says that the ban is the only law in Alaska that targets the type of care an advanced practice clinician can provide. The claim is not factual; there are many sideboards put on the care that advanced practitioners can perform.
Planned Parenthood asserts that the law violates Alaskans’ fundamental right to abortion and the state constitution’s equal protection guarantee. Alaska has one of the most lenient abortion standards in the country, allowing the practice all the way up to the moment of birth.
Judge Josie Garton said that the group is likely to succeed in its argument that the law curbing the practice of abortion to doctors only is unconstitutional. She also said that the clinicians have a right to perform abortions.
Alaska’s Supreme Court has long been pro-abortion, believing it is a privacy matter, and Garton has now signaled that her decision on the underlying case will also be pro-abortion.
Witnesses in the trial testified that that the law delays access to abortion without any medical benefit and causes unique harm to rural Alaskans and those “experiencing intimate partner violence.”
“Every person in Alaska deserves the freedom to seek abortion from trusted health care providers in their own community,” said Rebecca Gibron, CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai’i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky (PPGNHAIK) in November. “Allowing advanced practice clinicians to provide abortion will ensure that patients are able to better access the time-sensitive care they need. We are hopeful that this court will again rule in favor of reproductive freedom and permanently block this outdated and medically unnecessary restriction.”
History repeats itself. We have returned to the darkness and evil of child sacrifice just as ancient pagan cultures – Aztecs, Incas, Minoans, etc.
Wait until Lords Dunleavy and Trump put women back in their biblical place, much like the Taliban recently did in Afghanistan. You’d think a bunch of people so opposed to abortion would be chiding Dunleavy over his vetoing a bipartisan bill to make birth control available for 12 months at a time (versus the 3 months currently allowed).
Just another clueless leftist Alaskan:
Aside from your personal bias and hatred of everything conservative, what do you have to back up your assertion that Dunlevy and Trump want to put women back into their biblical place?
Please cite sources.
Why don’t you beam back to your alternate universe, please.
Most prescription medications are dispensed at 90 day intervals.
What’s your point?
Is a trip to the pharmacy/clinic or mail ordering ever so often considered a terrible hardship in your world?
It is very clear that you have a very low opinion of women in general, how sad.
Look at the faces of those children in the parade, how old do they look? School kids that have been indoctrinated and weaponized against all that is moral in this nation by a demonically led education system
Nice. Another win for women.
Well, a win for the born women, not so much for the women getting sucked out.
No, it’s absolutely good for the women who are unwanted. Go see how many children didn’t get sucked out and have spent their entire childhood growing in random stranger’s houses and state care. You need to think past the outrage. Just moaning and carrying on isn’t going to help any children.
It is really good for children and the emotional and soul destroying decision of women to create a grant based, for profit industry that denies the most basic rights to our most vulnerable in society, children, of their very lives? Every child born will face varying degrees of challenges, including being raised by any number of people outside their nuclear families. It is not for you to pontificate and pronounce that it is better for another to be killed in the womb, than have the opportunity to live. We are blessed to have our youngest grandson with us. I and his Grandmother will give our lives for that boy, if necessary. Who says all kids not destroyed in the their mother’s wombs end up in strangers homes? All to profit an industry staffed by certifiable, morbid quacks, who make a mockery of the Hippocratic Oath. You know nothing of Native culture, adopting with or without paperwork is as common as raising any other child. As long as the strangers home does not have the environment you espouse, the child will be thankful for life.
Why cant women use birth control?
How is being dead a win?
Tell that to all the babies, who never had the opportunity to live or Steve Jobs, Babe Ruth, Marilyn Monroe, or Eddie Murphy all foster children. Just because you MAY end up in foster care does not mean your life is worthless. Then there is always adoption.
So the death penalty for them?
Your reasoning is so reductive. That child has a shot at life which is precious and one often never knows what the future may bring.
To the young unmarried men reading this. Never marry a woman with this mind set. You will have a marriage of woe.
Well, let’s get rid of old people too, where does that logic take us?
I know of several foster kids who turned out fine. For them, the temporary foster life was better than permanent death. Furthermore, there are many couples seeking to adopt, eager to love a child.
There is plenty of love to go around and non-profits willing to help young mothers through pregnancy and the first years’ of the little ones’ lives. There is no need to kill innocent people.
Not for the ones being aborted
If killing a baby and flushing her down the toilet is a win I don’t want to play.
You don’t get to play, you’re a man and it’s not your choice.
Is there some way for a woman to conceive a child without a man involved? Please explain.
Men are involved in the creation of an embryo, fetus, and child. You are an absolute ingnoramus if you think men have no say in an abortion. It is just as much the man’s child as it is the woman’s.
Then again. If you want to say men have no choice in abortion, then you also have to say men hold no responsibility for the child after it is born.
Choose a side here lady, you do not get both.
Are there a lot of midwives who are pro-abortion? And just b/c a law says they “can” doesn’t necessarily mean they will. “Some” will, of course. But if that goes beyond their area of expertise, regardless of what the law says, who’s gonna touch it?
It looks like you are using common sense to cut through the outrage, people won’t like that. What about instead of marching and posting and protesting, why not care of the hundreds of foster kids sitting in State care, growing up in a facility? It’s not logical. It’s outrage politics and they are getting into it deeply and losing their way.
Ethel, the outrage is centered on the sheer barbarity of promoting and literally executing a system of killing children by pretending to be concerned for them and their mothers. Trying to justify this for profit, largely public funded genocide by the recipients of the money themselves, by claiming it is a public service is outrageous. Just come out and advocate your opinion that killing children is in their and their mothers best interest as you are a participant or a beneficiary of this industry. You have a right to your opinion however macabre it may be. There should be a truth in advertising case against using the name “Planned Parenthood”, the openly truthful name is more aptly “Planned Infanticide”. Don’t worry about losing support by being open, there are plenty of people in our decayed society who will still support your industry when speaking truthfully, the politicians will continue to fund your programs, the judges will continue ruling in favor of unconstitutional precepts, and the state of Alaska will continue facilitating your demands, as you already own them with decades of donations and bribes. Anyway they have the morals of prostitutes and rely on your organizations’ continuing large donations and kick backs to remain in power. The request for your truthful support is simply to alleviate having to hear the nauseating and shallow justifications.
Planned BARRENhood or BANNED Parenthood would be even better.
You seem to have only one comment.
And, how many foster children have you adopted? Unless the number reaches double digits, I suggest you stop throwing shade at others. Turn that critical eye of yours to your own behavior.
Oh that’s cute. You want to condemn kids because I personally didn’t adopt 12 of them? I adopted one. Maybe you could reserve your murderous ways to dirty looks rather than spilled blood of innocents.
Are you Ethel?
And, how about you turn your critical eye to your own behavior as well.
I have personally fostered over 30 children and am 72 fostering 2 at the moment. How about you? Just here to say something stupid every now and then?
Good for you.
One of the few leftists that actually do something. Congratulations.
And… Yes! I am here to say stupid things every now and again. Thanks for noticing, and thanks for participating as well.
Ethel did you actually read what Kasey wrote?
Kasey basically stated that there are doubts of how many midwives would be willing to perform any of these procedures. In other words, the number of CNMs, who would conduct such abortions would most likely be few, instead of the many you seem to seek. (Unless you envision that the law will force them)
It is further interesting that you rabidly advocate for the death of as many unborn children as possible, while enjoying the privilege of having YOUR mother make a different choice. Every child has challenges, some more obvious than others. It is part of the human condition. It is up to the individual to make the most positive out of it or remain a perpetual victim.
Use of mifepristone, a progesterone hormone, inhibits progressive growth in the uterus, and 24-48 hours later misoprostol, a prostaglandin, provides for uterine contractions and cervical ripening for early miscarriage. I don’t think that midwives are going to do any suctioning.
“Every person in Alaska deserves the freedom to seek abortion…..”
The death cult that is the Democrat party keeps using that word “freedom” when they are talking about infanticide.
Their ads on the radio endorsing Peltola keep bleating that she “will protect your most personal freedom”, meaning your right to slaughter children.
The abortion enthusiasts are satanic ghouls….
Ethel, that would be hypocritical to a population that also opposes broadly available contraception.
Not at all. Contraception generally prevents implantation of the zygote, which is distinct from the mother genetically so is not a part of her body. Her choice came when she chose to have sex–here’s a thought. Don’t want to kill babies? Quit having sex, or, if you do, choose to give your baby up for adoption. So many families waiting for a baby to adopt, but not many available, because they are all being killed in utero.
The callousness of this ruling is astounding.
It cares all about ideology and greed and absolutely nothing about the patient. Setting aside the morality of this and the incongruity with a midwife’s main focus, “suctioning” or aspiration abortion is a surgical procedure with all the inherent risks (bleeding, infection, tearing). It requires appropriate clinical locations for the procedure.
This procedure in my opinion exceeds the scope of practice and training for midwives. Midwives to my knowledge may assist with surgical procedures, but not perform them themselves.
What is it going to take for these activist Judges to stop messing with the Laws of State and health of the unborn or the unwitting women who kill an innocence human being. Eventually someone without a medical degree is going to be the result of a death when tragedy strikes. Back when I was younger I thought that it was a women’s rights to have abortions but since the birth of three great children and a grandson (rainbow baby) after a mischarge I see life in a different perspective.
Thanks for sharing your “change of heart”.
It reminds me of an often shared opinion….If a person is a liberal at 20 they have no brain but if they are still a liberal at 40 they have no heart.
Grandchildren have the power to open a persons heart as well as open eyes and ears immensely!
A long time ago, Planned Pregnancy wanted to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Now they happily welcome them so they can get paid – with taxpayer dollars – for doing all those abortions. They’ve also branched out into promoting gender transitions of confused kids.
What’s next? Are Alaskan judges going to let these same healthcare workers give out the puberty blockers to anyone who wants them, and start doing gender mutilation surgeries?
Somehow, this just doesn’t seem like a win for women or for anyone but the institutional money grabbers in PP.
It’s a very big win for women.
Not the ones who get aborted.
Do you really believe that murdering babies is a win for women? There are consequences of abortion, not just mental but also physical. It isn’t healthy for the women and it sure isn’t healthy for the babies.
No Ethel it is not.
It is a great win for MEN. Men who will never be confronted with the consequences of their actions, or having to make a commitment to raising a child, as all evidence will be destroyed. It allows them to escape any responsibility and they can continue their ways in the total knowledge that “liberated women” will never hold them to account! Despicable!
As for women I stand with Tamra, your choice as a woman is to be prudent about sex and to understand that you have created another human being, deserving of life, compassion, care and respect just the same as his/her mother!
It is also a win for greed. A sanctioned way to monetize a woman’s most intimate state for profit, a way to make money of dead children and that is the most despicable of all.
You have a rancid soul Ethel.
These people are horrifying
As hard as Democrats are passionately fighting to preserve their right to violate an unborn infants right to life it makes me wonder if is worth the effort to fight for the rights of the unborn.
Looking back at the bloodbath resulting from southern Democrats unwilling to give up slavery I can see history repeating itself as Elizabeth Henry mentioned over the right to abort a fetus at a drop of the hat….or the roar of a powerful vacuum cleaner in the hands of a highly skilled vacuum cleaner technician.
Maybe now is the time to invest in Hoover or Eureka?
Lets not forget the value from the sales and marketing of aborted fetal tissue widely used in the medical research industry that Planned Parenthood is desperately trying to protect their profits from with huge sales from virus and vaccine experiments. Remember the famous mad scientist Dr Fauci who cut the “bark” from the beagle pups used for virus transmission effects and retired as rich as any good politician does so frequently?
Ironic that a child can and is often deprived of their right to life by the decision of a parent. The right of a parent to contract a 3rd party, and the right of a 3rd party to legally kill the child apparently supersede the right to life. In general, there are theoritical minimal standards for the facility used and staff training safeguards when performing invasive “medical” procedures on “patients”. All of these safety measures are being waived as it has been deemed by our unelected judicial elites a priority to insure as many children are killed, in the most inhumane manners as possible. This practice also desensitives society to accepting the barbaric brutality of killing children in the womb. The claim by the industry lobbyists that not following best medical practises “causes unique harm to rural Alaskans” is particularly disgusting. The utter destruction of the multitude of distinct peoples who comprise “rural” Alaska is a very lucrative industry, relying on public grants to enrich very powerful entities. At their core these are toxic racist individuals devoid of souls, standards or the most minimal empathy for other people. They profit from societal destruction and maintaing the ghetto industry at the expense of others. Subsidized abortion is only one ugly head of the government hydra of programs that enrich and maintain power and wealth for the administrators. It is no wonder our society tolerates massive emotional, physical and sexual abuse of children. As a society we promote and subsidize it.
How many of these murderous women judges had abortions themselves? How many abortions has the childless Kamala Harris had over her promiscuous career with many men?
Probably not many. Since the “services ” she is known for don’t typically result in pregnancy!
Thank God for that. Just knee replacements.
Can anyone on the left side of the political aisle explain why abortion is such a massive issue?
Seriously, the leftists are acting like this one item is a justification for a civil war. Alaska before Party (a dark money funded group… Didn’t we get rid of that in 2020???) has ads vilifying Republicans because they want to allow the States to control abortion in their own state.
Please, folks on the left, tell us all why this is such a flash point? It is apparently more important than national defense, the economy, the climate, free speech, and… well… everything. Abortion first and foremost, every other issue is secondary.
it’s an article of their faith. it’s really not functionally different than Christians acknowledging Jesus is the Son of God and taking Communion.
the irrational advocating of virtually unrestricted abortion is a show of piety. Someohow.
MA, I see that.
I just do not understand it. Why this particular act?
Religion I can understand. Something greater than this world, and all of that.
This… not a clue. Why are the abortion advocates so adamant that zero restrictions are allowed, and they are willing to go to war over it. I just do not get it, and I want someone like Ethel Franklin to explain it to me.
PLanned Parenthood is a godsend. Take care of the hundreds of kids that need help if you care so much. Oh that’s right, you are just living off of outrage and don’t plan on doing diddly squat to actually address all the cold, hungry, forgotten, neglected and abused children that we already have.
I would love to see as much action for taking care of all the abused children we have. There are dozens growing up in facilities and entering the world with no one by their side, but oh, all these idiots have time to go and yell about how every child is important. No, you just like yelling at young women and that’s the end of it. You are bitter people who don’t live by the morals you claim. Sad.
Sure, Planned Parenthood is a taxpayer grant funded organization dedicated for children and families! When your in the for profit and morbid industry of killing children, destroying families and degrading society, may as well just come out with a bigger lie! Just the name “Planned Parenthood” is an oxymoron in itself. This organization’s entire business model is to exploit women, particularly Native women in Alaska to obtain filthy lucre to end parenthood. If you raised money to support disadvantaged women and children to cope with their lives, and counseling for young people in the most important role in their lives, being parents, this name would be applicable. Your entire narrative attempts to legitimize profiting from the particularly disgusting abuse of people, for which government dominance and grant based economies caused in the first place.
You know, doing a very small amount of research will help you greatly here.
It took me all of about two minutes to find numerous sources of demographic information on adoption that prove you wrong. Conservatives, Christians, men, and older couples are all more likely (much more likely in some cases) to adopt than the pro-choice crowd.
Please feel free to dispute my statements. Use your favorite search engine to look for “who adopts more, republicans or democrats.” Sub pro-life or pro-choice for the poltiical parties if you want. The results are almost identical.
Take a deep breath. You’re gonna hyperventilate.
All that was missing from your rant was a scream of “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!”, Jan Brady style.
If you would actually love to see more care for abused and neglected children, you’d join us in trying to get the Imperial Federal Government out of the way.
But they would be too much like work.
I’m not sure who you’re talking to. My parents adopted three children from parents battling drug and alcohol abuse, and spending time in prison. I know several Christian families who’ve adopted children.
Many Christians give their time, energy and resources volunteering to support crisis pregnancy centers. For many, adoption is prohibitively expensive, because keeping children in foster care is a lucrative business for most states.
At the end of the day, the proper response to the human person is love.
If you are entitled to make the decision that some children are better off dead than alive, who is entitled to make that decision for you?
The interesting thing here is – these abused and neglected children are not because of legal or illegal abortion. Abortion was legal when the women chose to have them. You might have an argument if these women were forced to have them but they were not. Abortion was legal. They chose to have these babies and they are responsible for the care of them.
Another win for “The Merchants of Death!!!”
What comes next and what else does this approach evolve into:
… Geronticide for our elderly whom are dismissed – forgotten – out of touch, a certain burden and non-producers in today’s society?
… “Late-Late Term Abortions” throughout and up until adulthood (18-yrs)?
… “Political Persecutions Abortions” as I’m quite confident the Progressive Liberals and Democrats would love this ability?
The Governor should explain why providing a years worth of birth control at once that saves unwanted pregnancies and would save insurance companies money is “bad policy”
Because death cult democrats, like yourself Frank, claim abortifacients are ‘birth control’. That’s why. But you already know that Frank. You just enjoy being a liar along with murdering babies.
Our Father in Heaven who created all gives man (and woman) the ability to make choices. Those people who are willing to kill babies are making a choice. God Almighty will be the judge on those choices.
Eternity is a long time health care workers, be careful what you wish for. Killing babies is not cool.
A friend of mine recently was reading an article and Said to me So when did we declare war on our own children. ?? Let that question soak in a while people. Abortion, genitalia mutilation, drugs, and on and on. It’s quite discouraging actually.