Alaska is one of 16 states to support Missouri’s legal defense of ban on sex-change surgeries on children


In a show of unity with other states, Alaska’s Attorney General Treg Taylor has joined forces with 16 other attorneys general in filing a multistate brief to support Missouri’s defense of its ban on experimental and life-altering sex-modification procedures for children.

The brief, co-led by Alabama, Arkansas, and Tennessee, directly challenges the pro-transgender assertions put forth by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) and other medical interest groups, and asserts the states’ responsibility to safeguard the well-being of their youth.

The recent move comes in response to the controversial push by some medical organizations to promote pediatric sex changes as “medically necessary gender-affirming care.”

“In reality, the latest WPATH standards are gender ideology talking points masquerading as medical standards. These so-called standards advocate prescribing some children puberty blockers and having them undergo life-altering surgeries because it is considered ‘medically necessary gender affirming care,’” said Alabama Attorney General Marshall. “Our youth deserve better, and I will never stop fighting to protect our children from these radical and often irreversible medical interventions.”

The multistate brief draws attention to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit’s decision, which upheld a similar law in Tennessee, allowing it to take effect.

The document underscores the belief that states hold the authority and responsibility to ensure the health and safety of children. Drawing a parallel with European healthcare authorities’ more stringent approach to sex-modification procedures for minors based on systematic evidence reviews, the brief criticizes American medical organizations for their advocacy of unrestricted access to such procedures.

In addition to Alaska, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Alabama, several other states joined, including Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia.


  1. If the parents won’t protect their children from this fad, then the law should. The children have to grow up before they can sue the S.O.B.’s.

    • Commie states are trying to outlaw parents, at least from protecting their kids from this perverse abuse.

  2. Common sense prevails, what a sick world it is when laws such as these have to exist for the children’s protection, thank you AG Treg Taylor!

  3. Identity Inc needs to be shuttered and shamed for irreversibly harming children by way of introducing them to “treatments” all because some clowns thought it was a good idea to divide our population further. Every child growing up goes through a bit of an identity crisis. Their bodies are full of hormones and thoughts go wild. Yet the left seems to think that these irrational thoughts are worth pursuing to the degree of irreversible harm to a child’s body.

  4. Pure evil being stopped here. The Democrats (not all of them) are sick individuals attacking children. We can only hope for a day of judgement.

  5. We need to make Rachel Levine’s recent visit to Alaska–nill. Let’s make it a worthless attempt at promoting a diabolical movement and crush this effort.

  6. It’s actually kinda pathetic and totally ridiculous this sickening topic is having to be discussed at all, only a mentally ill perverted sick psychopath would think any and all parts of these sick procedures is normal or acceptable in any way , any doctor or so called medical professional who takes part in this should be locked up and jailed and sued for malpractice. You would really have to be one sick SOB if your partake or support this nonsense in any way at all, this is all clearly a tactic to destroy children and the family unit in this country , ALL these lunatics pushing this need to be called out Loudly for exactly what the ALL are, totally sick and pathetic child abusers/molesters! That’s exactly what they are, all of them!!

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