Alaska Forestry Association endorses Dunleavy


The Alaska Forest Association has endorsed Mike Dunleavy for governor.

“The AFA has seen Mike’s performance in this campaign and at the recent debate with Mark Begich. Mike supports our issues and even began his work in Alaska in the Woods with Gildersleeve Logging at Whale Pass.  He agrees with AFA on all key issues including being a solid NO on Proposition One. He has affirmed to us that he will work to reinvigorate the timber industry in the Tongass, in Southcentral and in the Interior.”

Dunleavy came to Alaska on the Alaska Marine Highway ferry Columbia, landed in Ketchikan, and headed to Prince of Wales Island to work at the Gildersleeve Logging Camp. From there he headed north to teach in Koyuk, a rural community in the Arctic.

“Mike is the exact kind of governor we need to work with our congressional delegation to restore the Tongass and Chugach exemptions to the National Roadless Rule.,” said Eric Nichols, AFA board member.

The roadless rule makes logging all but impossible in the Tongass National Forest, and eliminates the multi-use mission of the national forest in favor of simply wilderness preservation.

Under the Trump Administration, steps have been taken to create a state-specific rule for Alaska.

On June 1, the Secretary of Agriculture directed the chief of the Forest Service to initiate a state-specific rulemaking for roadless area management direction for the Tongass National Forest on behalf of the Department. On Aug. 2, the State of Alaska and the Forest Service signed a memorandum of understanding to document cooperation between the parties on the development of a state-specific rule.

The forestry group said it plans to work with a Dunleavy Administration to also make improvements to the State timber management program to serve as a bridge to the restoration of the U.S. Forest Service timber program.

The Alaska Forest Association is Alaska’s oldest group supporting and promoting timber harvest and management.


  1. Run in to save your job, run out to save your life. Dunleavy knows what a day’s work looks like. Begich doesn’t.

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