We will be live blogging the Alaska results as they come in on election night, starting at about 5 p.m. Polls close at 8 p.m. in Alaska. National race news is in this Must Read Alaska live blog.
10:26 p.m. Here are some races around the state of note, per the 10 p.m. update from the Division of Elections
Senate Seat H: Matt Claman leads Liz Vazquez, 55.32% to 44.37%, with 11 of 13 precincts reporting.
Senate Seat L: Kelly Merrick leads Jared Goecker, 49.75% to 35.60%m with 12 of 13 precincts reporting.
Senate Seat N: Rob Yundt leads incumbent David Wilson, 52.88% to 28.90%, with Stephen Wright getting 16.81%, with 9 of 12 precincts reporting.
Senate Seat P: Scott Kawasaki leads Leslie Hajdukovich, 50.29% to 49.47%, with eight of eight precincts reporting.
Senate Seat R: Mike Cronk leads Savannah Fletcher, 51.45% to 42.40%, with Robert Williams at 5.88%.
House District 1: Jeremy Bynum leads Agnes Moran, 51.30% to 24.68%, Grant Echohawk at 23.87%.
House District 6: Sarah Vance leads Brent Johnson, 49.97% to 38.77%, Dawson Slaughter at 11.03%, with eight of nine precincts reporting.
House District 7: Justin Ruffridge leads Ron Gillham, 59.39% to 39.70%, with six of six precincts reporting.
House District 8: Bill Elam leads John Hillyer, 51.20% to 47.39%, with 11 of 11 precincts reporting.
House District 9: Ky Holland leads Lucy Bauer, 56.11% to 43.64%, with eight of nine precincts reporting.
House District 10: Chuck Kopp leads Craig Johnson, 61.82% to 36.90%, with five of six precincts reporting.
House District 11: Julie Coulombe leads Walter Featherly, 52.74% to 47.13%, with six of seven precincts reporting.
House District 12: Cal Schrage leads Joseph Lurtsema, 59.60% to 40.03%, with six of six precincts reporting.
House District 13: Andy Josephson leads Heather Gottshall, 53.53% to 46.23%, with five of five precincts reporting.
Read all the latest results here.
10:15 p.m. The Alaska Division of Elections posted a 10 p.m. update. It’s a 32% turnout so far in 62% of the state’s precincts.
In the presidential race, Trump has 108,976 or 55.06% and Harris has 80,982 or 40.91% of the Alaska vote, so far. This is out of the 199,361 votes cast, or 32.62% of the 611,078 registered voters in Alaska.
Nick Begich for Congress has 95,757, or 48.85% of the vote, with Mary Peltola getting 89,910 or 45.87%. John Wayne Howe has 8,007, and Eric Hafner has 1,929 votes.
There are 155 precincts outstanding.
9:45 p.m. Trump has 277 electoral votes and will be the next president.
9:44 p.m. On the Northern Kenai Peninsula, Senate Seat D, Sen. Jesse Bjorkman leads with 3,465 votes or 48.3% and Rep. Ben Carpenter has 2,995 votes, 470 votes behind Bjorkman. This is with 14 of 17 precincts reporting.
9:37 p.m. Republican Rep. Mike Cronk running for Senate Seat R has 4,430 votes and Democrat Savannah Fletcher has 2,922 votes, 14 of 48 precincts reporting so far.
Sen. James Kaufman in Senate Seat F, with nine of 13 precincts reporting, has 3,086 votes and Janice Park has 2,579 and Harold Borbridge has 568. Kaufman is almost at 50%.
9:20 p.m. The state Division of Elections website is now down again, second time today.
9:11 p.m. Alaska results are coming in. With 109 precincts out of 403 precincts reporting and 59,825 votes counted, Trump has 33,081 votes and Harris has 23,515 votes, for a 55-39 advantage for Trump.
Nick Begich is up in this same 109 precinct count, which are mostly urban. Begich has 28,574 votes, and Mary Peltola has 26,859, for a 48.6 to 35.6 advantage for Begich. John Wayne How has 2,696 votes, or 4.6% and Eric Hafner has 535 votes for .9%.
Since Sen. Jessie Kiel has around 3,000 votes, that means a large part of Juneau is in — nine of 18 of Juneau precincts are in. It’s highly likely Haines and Skagway are not in, so these are likely the urban parts of the Juneau – Skagway area.
On the Kenai Peninsula, nine of 17 precincts are in. Sen. Jesse Bjorkman has 2,100 votes and Ben Carpenter is at 1,800.
8:30 p.m. Video from the Mat-Su Valley Republican election watch party:
8:28 p.m. Photos from the Anchorage Republican election watch party:

8:05 p.m. Polls are closed in Alaska. Are there still lines where you are? Leave your comments below.
7:30 p.m. Republicans and other supporters of Nick Begich for Congress and Republican candidates are gathered at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Anchorage for an election night party. The party is open to all.
Nearby at the Egan Center, the Alaska Landmine has another election night party, also open to all. He is live-streaming interviews.
Must Read Alaska will be doing some live streaming on Facebook from the Marriott after the polls close. We expect that Nick Begich will be making remarks whether he wins, loses, or there is a draw.

Rep. Mary Peltola has an election night party at 49th State Brewery in downtown Anchorage.
Photos from the Election Night party in Fairbanks:
We beat the cheaters yea!
Whistling through the RCV machine tabulator yard…
Thank you all for supporting my son Nick III
Proud to do it. He should have won in 2022, but for Sarah Palin. NB3 is the real deal. A Republican Begich makes history tonight.
The names Nick Begich, 1,2, and 3…….will go down as legacy names in Alaska. Thank you, NB2.
Good on ya!
My pleasure.
Keep this in mind. Trump wins and we have a President running the country that we voted into office.
Kamala wins and we continue to have an underground cabal (criminal deep state) running the country and pulling her strings.
The country is in this sad shape because this is what the cabal wants… otherwise it would be different.
The cabal does not have Americas best interests at heart. They only have their own power and financial interests as their objective. They do not believe the U.S. Constitution is relevant any more. I hope you were aware of this when you cast your vote.
I pray that President Trump is, somehow, able to help us turn Alaska back around once he gets the ship running in the right direction. These running numbers, as of 01:58 AM, are looking dismal. Ballot Measure 1 will probably pass and Ballot Measure 2 is barely ahead at this time. Unbelievable. Dark money has clouded so many minds.
Have a look at the Division of Elections website. It was interesting to see which districts voted for measure 1 and which did not. To me, the voting pattern was predictable.
I’ve been vocalizing exactly that prior Joe being selected!
I realized it after he campaigned in Texas!
Why is AK taking so long to release results?!
Have to wait “for all of the ballots to come” and this could take 15 days to 3 weeks or up to 100 days. Lol, joking about the 100 days, but might well.
Oh thank god! 4 years of every Indian in the world getting an automatic green card after paying $400 to a degree mill.
They have 25,000,000 surplus males every year in case you didnt know.
Please, stop the Jeets. No new Jeets! No New Jeets! No New Jeets!
And deport those who crawled through the fence over the past four years.
I hear you!
Now we have one in the Naval Observatory! I can only imagine the extended family will grow quite large soon. Hindu much?
The reporting has Trump winning Alaska with a +18. That he won is grateful, by 18% not so. It will be interesting to see the stats on voter turnout. In the Primary Ketchikan had 18% if registered voter turnout. There has to be an ability to encourage voters to vote. Maybe if civics were made a meaningful curricula for schools, K-12 improvements would pay off with involvement knowledge of why voting is important.
Tom we just took the White House The senate and the house. Real Americans have had it up,their ears.. daddy combs and his freaks and Epstein and his freaks are about to get torched. Finally
Election stolen by New York Trump cabal
Miss Biden goes to vote dressed in all red smiling. A picture is worth 1 million words.?
I wonder who she voted for ??
To Greg Forkner. Donald Trump is your President!
Sadly, no, he’s not. That’s like saying the antichrist is my savior. I don’t put a rapist, a thief, a thug, and a bully on too high of a pedestal. But Timothy wrote that people like you will try to insult people trying to live a righteous life. So go right ahead, son. I know everything about you before you even know it yourself.
Number 1, I am not your son. 2 you don’t even know yourself, let alone me. 3 1/20/25 Donald Trump will be your president. Now go back to your room and wait for wheel of fortune to come on.
Where is your receipts that prove djt is a rapist, thief or thug? You don’t have any. Thanks for playing.
Righteous life…? That is a word that is not in a democrat’s vocabulary, nor is it in yours. But I’ll give you an A for effort. Tell me.. How is it that a communist such as yourself, can live in a republican state like Florida..? Asking for a friend.
What friend is that? I may know him. You never did answer me last time. Herman, how have you been since the surgery? Yes, I do. Try to live a righteous life. I don’t attack people that don’t attack me and I try to live by the golden rule and I follow jesus’s teachings. Timothy did warn us of people that insult the righteous. Thank you sir may I have another?
No, you don’t attack, you simply slither out half-truths or outright lies. You talk a good line, but behind your mask hides something else. You never answered my question of how does it feel to as a communist living in a very republican capitalist state..? If you were to get into a dingy and row to Cuba, I think you’ll find happiness there.
I wouldn’t know. I’m a fence sitter. Purple in color.
Do you remember the subject that we talked about the last time you came over to the house?
The cuckold trip? Not really.. It was one of those can’t be unseen moments.
Trump won Florida by a little over 50%. Kind of purple now.
He won 56.1%, Greg. Harris got 43%. Be honest. -sd
Yes. That’s a little over 50%.
If we had an apple pie and you cut slices and your part ended up being at fifty six percent, I would claim that you got a little bit more than half from what I did.
I’m not clear how stating that a particular sinner is president is insulting to any believer who happens to be a citizen under that president.
Christ is king. Trump is president-elect.
Stop despairing and disparaging.
Correct, we are all sinners, but some sin more frequently than others.
17 states may be slow getting federal funding for anything.?
Congratulations. Now lets get out of all these wars Biden and Harris got us into, and make America prosperous by doing what we do best, being innovative and hard working good people. Well played everyone.
Which wars? Are you an isolationist? We can’t make it on our own. Not anymore.
The wars Ukraine and Israel/ Gaza. No one has stated moving to isolationism, but shutting off the flow of money to other countries is not a bad idea. Do you not feel our country needs to clean our own house before taking on the world’s problems.
We can’t afford to sit back and let other things happen in the world that may eventually come to our shores. We now live in a globalist economy and to wall up America while the rest of the world progresses only leaves us in last place. Eventually we’re going to have to all come together, it would be nice if it happened before the rapture.
Seeing as how we pay most of the world’s bills, I would say we can afford to sit out these foreign problems. Easily enough we can secure our shores and conduct proper vetting to keep those problems out. We can remain in the global economy with the reserved right to stop the hemorrhaging taxpayers dollars, as well as staying competitive. America first was pretty much the theme of this last election. Did the nursing home over medicate you for the last 6 months? We are not a global society forker, most Americans do not see this either. It seems your mentality is that of a RINO, chamber of commerce, uniparty member. The rapture will come with signs, yet none of us are God, nor can we control his decisions.
How are we paying the bills when we owe China so much?
You really don’t know much do you. Understand that the United States hands out economic assistance packages to every country on the planet. Even Chyna. You understand yet? We also supply the largest financial contributions to Nato and the League of Nations. As far as us owing Chyna, when exactly do they plan on repaying the close to trillion dollars we supported them with during world War 2? As well as interest.
Never ww2 repayment has been long over. We owe trillions and only pay interest to keep from defaulting. Is the league of nations even a thing anymore? China has an i in it son.
It’s Chyna, just as your daddy trump would say
All on board the Trump train!
So what happens with the other two’s votes? Will they be split up between Begich and Peltola? Can she still win, via RCV?
Begich currently has won 49.8% of the vote with 375 of 403 precincts reporting. He needs to get 50% to win outright (technically 50% + 1 vote).
Not sure why Alaska is so slow at counting Other States have millions to count
Where is cman, Frank, and fake Alaskan?
Nothing to say this great wonderful day?
The left is done and finished.
And yet Harris has called Trump to congratulate him. She will officially concede the election this afternoon. Instead of lying to the country about a stolen election resulting in hundreds in jail for fighting at the capital, she is helping the country move on. I want Trump to be successful. I want out country to be successful. I suspect cman, Frank, and others want the same. Notice the difference?
Where can I find info on how each precinct voted here in Alaska?
Alaska Division of Elections website
If we keep sending the same bunch of idiots to Juneau, we can expect them to further screw the state into the ground and they will attempt to steal even more from the producers in our state.
What happened to the repeal of RCV???
The vote to repeal is slightly ahead in the preliminary count.
Mary struggled as a freshman congressman because she was too lockstep with her lower 48 colleagues.
She will not lose a come back by the defunct pebble mine because president Trump has already denied Army Corp. of Engineers permits, plus there was the Security’s Fraud Conviction that added an exclamation mark on future permit applications. And I there was the EPA permit denial under Biden.
Merrick dups the people again and wind reelection…
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