Alaska Democrats will have a dozen on their caucus ballot



Alaska Democrats taking part in their party’s privately run primary on April 4 will have 12 candidates to choose from for their presidential nominee:

  • Michael Bennet, age 55, senator
  • Joe Biden, age 77, former Vice President
  • Michael Bloomberg, age 77, former New York mayor
  • Peter Buttigieg, age 38, mayor
  • John Delaney, age 56, former representative
  • Tulsi Gabbard, age 38, representative
  • Amy Klobuchar, age 59, senator
  • Deval Patrick, age 63, former governor
  • Bernie Sanders, age 78, senator
  • Tom Steyer, age 62, businessman
  • Elizabeth Warren, age 70, senator
  • Andrew Yang, age 45, businessman

Jan. 24 was the application deadline for presidential candidates to apply to the Alaska Democratic Party for inclusion on their ballot.

John Delaney has announced he is dropping out of the race, but he and the other candidates have already paid $2,500 each to the Alaska Democratic Party to take part in the party’s first-ever private primary — a method of caucusing by ballot, rather than by standing around a gymnasium.

If the ballot hasn’t been sent to the printer, Delaney’s name will likely be dropped. Others will probably drop before the Democrats hold their primary, leaving some ghost candidates still on the ballot.

The Democrats’ ballot will include a ranked choice voting. Participants will be able to choose and rank up to five candidates, in the order they prefer. How they will handle ghost candidates is still an unknown.

They’ll also be executing an ambitious mail-in ballot program at a time when they don’t have a digital director to manage mailing lists and data files. The Democrats’ data director parted ways with the party on Jan. 10, and the FBI has been called in to investigate.

[Read: FBI interviews Alaska Democratic Party]

The Democrats are in the middle of their State Central Committee meeting, a quarterly event. This week, it’s in Juneau at the Baranof Hotel and surrounding watering holes, where Democrat activists can also rub shoulders with their legislators.

Then, Democrats must turn their focus to training volunteers to run their primary in every one of the 40 House districts.

On Feb. 13, Districts 29 and 30 Democrats will be treated to an informational meeting at Phormation Chiropractic Office on Kenai Spur Hwy. The meeting starts at 5:30 pm, one of many to take place around the state this month.

On Feb. 19, the party will mail to every registered Democrat some information explaining the ways in which a voter may cast a ballot in the 2020 party-run process, which is a radical change from its past practices. All Democrats registered with the Division of Elections as of Feb. 1 will receive the information.

Absentee ballots can be requested on the state party website beginning Feb. 19, and must be postmarked by Tuesday, March 24.

In-person voting will take place on April 4 in these communities, and possibly others: Anchorage Fairbanks/North Star Borough, Juneau, Mat-Su Borough, Kenai Peninsula, Dillingham, Bethel, Nome, and Kotzebue.


The party has settled on Anchorage Democrat Wigi Tozzi as its presidential primary director. Tozzi was one of the leaders of a recall effort in 2013 to oust Lindsey Holmes, a former representative for House District 19 who switched from Democrat to Republican while in office. That recall effort fizzled after Holmes declined to run for reelection.


  1. Bloomberg gets my vote – a real New York billionaire, who made his fortune honestly, and used his gifts for the public good. He has earned the respect of the New York society that DJT so ardently envies, but will never, ever acquire. Bloomberg will restore decency to the Office of the President, now so badly besmirched by the current occupant.

    •  “a real New York billionaire”
      Is that to say Trump is a fake?
      I guess we never did see his tax forms.
      Both Trump and Bloomberg each just spent $10 Million a piece on dueling super bowl political ads.
      Welcome to the era of the Oligarchs in America!

      • Next time your house is on fire or you need to call the police department or your kids are at school or you want road fixed or if you want Social Security or Medicare you won’t get none of it because they’re all socialist programs

  2. Fairbanksans enjoyed the performance last night by the “Capitol Steps”. Who summed the Democrat ticket up with a song to the tune: “76 Trombones in the Great Parade.”
    Substituting: “96 candidates” instead of trombones.
    A hilarious night of entertainment, thanks due to Fairbanks Concert Association.
    Good to see Alaskan Democrats are able to “buy in” to the Bloomberg presidency. Was afraid they were going to miss this “inclusive” effort in late in the game Bernie panic and resultant rule changing by the DNC!

    • Sarcasm, right? The Socialist who tells you what size soda you can buy? Whoo boy, with people like you deciding, Trump is going to win in a cake walk. Please, please keep it up.

      • I’m not a Democrat. And please, you should do a better job of replying politely so as to not leave readers wondering about you.
        Yes, ” buy in” is sarcasm. As is 96 trombones, the “burn” feeling among Bernie and supporters who found out the DNC was “inclusively” all in for Hillary in 2016. I could go on, but most readers got it.

  3. What a gaggle of rich, white, socialists. The term, “Leftist Elitist“ could not be any better personified than this lot. For that matter, neither could the word, “hypocrite”. If our country picks any of them, it would deserve what it gets.

  4. Every last one of these Democrats intend to take our firearms, ammunition, and Bill of Rights. Look for the Bloomberg Superbowl ad today to reinforce that. However President Trump is likely to win, and will certainly win in Alaska. I know of one well known Alaska Democrat who is sure Hillary will come in to unite the party and become the nominee this year, and if in fact there is a plot of that sort Bloomberg could be involved. Hillary may just kill Bernie this time around (and any number of Democrats believe she should have done so 4 years ago). She might have drafted Bernie’s suicide note already, as that is the Clinton style. It’s all fun.

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