Alaska Democrats trying to run away from their felon candidate and blame it all on Nick Begich


In one of their latest tangled emails asking for money, the Alaska Democratic Party says that Nick Begich, a Republican, is cheating because the Alaska Supreme Court won’t let the Democrats remove a Democrat from the congressional race so Mary Peltola can win reelection to Congress.

Their email implies that the current voting system is broken because it was so easily gamed. But it also says readers should send them money so they can keep the voting system. They want people to vote against Ballot Measure 2, which would repeal the ranked-choice voting system that put their felon on the ballot in the first place. It’s a logic that is hard to follow.

The Democrats are conflicted. On the one hand, they claim that ranked-choice voting is essential. On the other hand, they say it’s not fair that Eric Hafner is on the ballot due to their preferred primary. After all, he is a violent Democrat who is serving time in federal prison.

“Fourth and fifth place Primary finishers Nancy Dahlstrom and Matthew Salisbury dropped out of the U.S. House of Representatives race after an orchestrated effort by two-time loser Republican Nick Begich. Thanks to Nick’s scheming, Eric Hafner – who is running from a New York prison cell as a Democrat in a state he has never even set foot in – will now appear on the ballot this November,” the Democrats wrote in their email, as they projected their cheating and felon candidate onto Republicans.

But then they ask Alaskans for money so they can keep the system that they admit has been hacked by their own party.

Help us keep this seat out of the hands of Republican extremists and outsiders who aren’t even from Alaska,” the Democrats say, with a link for donors. It’s not so much that Hafner is a felon, but that he is from Outside the state, they are saying.

In 2022, Democrats schemed to push Al Gross off the ballot so Mary Peltola could have a chance. But this year they ignored the threat coming from Democrat Eric Hafner, who says if he is elected, he might get released from prison early so he can serve. They didn’t think he would ever make the final four ballot in November.

The general election is 47 days from Thursday, Sept. 19.


      • Nothing learned in attaining my three degrees was necessary to see this. Plain old common sense was all that was needed. In fact, modern education seems to make many people less able to think for themselves.

  1. When one is ruled by relativity without a moral absolute foundation then lying, scheming, fabricating, psychological projection, contradicting, and cheating all are acceptable means if the end can be achieved. It is amazing that so many voters fall for it or just accept that it is all ok. The term ‘Republican extremist’ is almost laughable as it seems if one is patriotic, believes in self responsibility, hard work, smaller government, strong families, wants strong borders, upholds dignity, believes in God – they are extremist. Do democrats even know what their party is upholding and not upholding? Do they believe in anything good or is good now evil in their minds? Mind boggling. It is encouraging to see one of their corrupt means to the (power and control) desired end become a bit unraveled.

  2. Alaska democrats try to distance themselves from the lunatics and crazies that comprise the democrat party in the lower 48. Their problem is that democrats are still outnumbered in Alaska. But despite their efforts to appear reasonable, they are remain stalwart members of the party of chaos. So, being true democrats, they blame Republicans for the problems their policies have created. It is their conditioned response to the inconvenience of having a democrat candidate running from prison that RCV allows. So now they fight to get this candidate off the ballot. What to do? Blame the Republican, Nick Begich, for this embarrassment! Easy peasy. Meanwhile, Alaskan democrats with huge amounts of ‘dark money’ from down south, continue to promote RCV as the greatest advancement of ‘democracy’ since the Solon days.

  3. Al Gross never had any intentions of running for office, he has a cushy life in CA. He was paid and agreed to drop out at the last minute so Peltola could get all the votes per the design of RCV. Now this loon in prison has turned the tables so it’s time to point and blame.

  4. Democrats get their wish from the tooth fairy that another wacked-out, TDS, mindless Democrat reached the final four on RCV. What are they bitching about, really? Two Democrats on RCV should give them a statistical advantage. Anyone who votes Democrat should be legally declared insane

    • If Begich emerges as No. 1 and Peltola as #2, in the first round, with neither getting 50% plus one vote, the second and third votes would be redistributed. Here is a good explanation site for how the ranked-choice scam really works: – sd

      • I like the information at that website Suzanne; thank you for sharing a link to it!
        In addition to that, Alaska’s Statute Sec. 15.15.430 talks about Scope of the review of ballot counting.
        ” Sec. 15.15.430. Scope of the review of ballot counting.
        (a) The review of ballot counting by the director shall include only
        (1) a review of the precinct registers, tallies, and ballots cast;

        (2) a review of absentee and questioned ballots as prescribed by law; and

        (3) unless the ballot for the house district contains nothing but uncontested offices, a hand count of ballots from one randomly selected precinct in each house district that accounts for at least five percent of the ballots cast in that district.

        (b) If, following the ballot review set out in (a) of this section, the director finds there is a discrepancy of more than one percent between the results of the hand count under (a)(3) of this section and the count certified by the election board, the director shall conduct a hand count of the ballots from that district.

        (c) If the director finds an unexplained discrepancy in the ballot count in any precinct, the director may count the ballots from that precinct.

        (d) The director shall certify in writing to the state ballot counting review board and publish on the division’s Internet website any changes resulting from a count performed under (b) or (c) of this section.”

        How successful are these audits if only one “random” precinct is selected to audit. How does this audit accurately reflect the actual voting if ballots are exhausted in each round? If the director only selects a precinct where they know there won’t be problems, this won’t reflect the true counts for other precincts where there are a lot of “problem” votes. imho, RCV cannot be accurately audited and should not be used with this as one of the main reasons.

  5. Lol Some signs need to be put up saying what the democrats latest moves were in trying to keep RCV. They flood the market with their ads and hope people don’t look at what is happening behind the scenes that people with eyes wide open can see happening!

  6. It’s not the top-4/RCV system that is to blame. It’s the ridiculous rule that allows candidates to self-affiliate against the will of the party. This rule destroys the ability of parties to vet and nominate candidates, and effectively wipes out parties. Fixing this problem is extremely easy; just require candidates get authorization from the party to use the party’s name. Furthermore, if you don’t like RCV, get rid of it, but don’t go back to using those hideous party primaries.


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