Alaska Democratic Party raises funds to defend ranked choice voting

Donkey face

The Alaska Democratic Party realizes that ranked-choice voting was a big win for their candidates in 2022, and so it hopes that Democrat Presidential candidate Kamala Harris will win Alaska because of ranked-choice voting, if only Alaskans will donate money to the party.

The latest fundraising letter says that Harris will be the best choice for Alaska because she is not an extremist and will work on the “issues that Alaskans care about most.” The party said nothing about the coup that it just conducted on the sitting president.

“Ranked-choice voting helps ensure that our leaders represent the interests of ALL Alaskans by requiring candidates to receive support from a majority of voters, taking power out of the hands of dark-money special interest groups, and giving it back to the people!” the party wrote in its letter.

This will be the first time ranked-choice voting is used in a Presidential election. With Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the ticket, Alaska Republicans are desperate to repeal ranked-choice and push through their extreme agenda!” said the party that represents 73,500 voters in Alaska.

“Make no mistake: the future of ranked-choice voting may be on the ballot this November, and we need your help to reach voters across the state to let them know what’s at stake this election,” the fundraising letter said, then asking for $10 to “build up our voter outreach, education and turnout efforts so we can defend ranked-choice voting.”

The presidential race does not appear on the Aug. 20 primary ballot because the parties still are allowed to choose their candidates for the November ballot. But when November comes, voters will get to rank their first, second, third, and fourth choices for president.

Now that the Democrats don’t have to worry about defending Joe Biden’s dementia, the tone of their fundraising letters are more upbeat than last month, when they wrote, “We are writing to ask if there’s anything we can say to convince you to make a contribution to the Democratic National Committee today.

This November, Alaskans will have the opportunity to undo the ranked-choice voting system. This year’s Ballot Measure 2 would would return Alaska to semi-partisan primaries. General elections would be decided by the usual form of voting, with whoever getting the most votes wins. It’s also known as plurality voting. The Democrats will be working to try to defeat this initiative.


  1. Cause it is the ONLY way they are able to achieve, cheating and cheating by any means, and too who ever, never mind! With the mentality of the democrat leadership over the past many years, accelerating from ability to negotiate or debate for a common causes and solutions within the bounds of the Constitution, to the current socialistic arena that boldly touts Communism with open pride, I swear to any and all, I shall never, never knowingly support, vote, or affiliate with known Democrats.(Communist)

  2. Democrats are scared to death of losing RCV. Biggest benefactors from 2022 were Lisa Murkowski and Mary Peltola…..both reliable left-wingers and supporters of everything liberals need.
    RCV is going down in 2024.


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