Alaska Black Caucus addresses vaccine concerns of minorities



According to Alaska news sources, Alaska’s African-Americans are skeptical of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Alaska Black Caucus is working with medical professionals to address that, however.

It’s a message that was first brought to the attention of the Anchorage Assembly by Assemblywoman Jamie Allard, who was shut down by Assembly Chairman Felix Rivera when she began talking about the concerns of different communities of color.

“Dr. Johnston, are you aware that almost 62 percent of black Americans aren’t willing to take the vaccine?” Allard said to the municipality’s epidemiologist in December during a regularly scheduled Assembly meeting.

Rivera interrupted her, spoke over her, and then ruled her out of order and pounded the dais with his gavel. Allard was trying to find out what the city was going to do to address the concerns of minorities. Rivera said it was inappropriate.

Allard has since said that many people of color are reluctant to take the vaccine and yet those same ethnic groups are being hit hard by the coronavirus.

A recent survey by the Pew Research Center showed that African-Americans are the most reluctant, when it comes to this new vaccine that is now being used under emergency use provisions only, due to being rushed to production.

“Black Americans continue to stand out as less inclined to get vaccinated than other racial and ethnic groups: 42% would do so, compared with 63% of Hispanic and 61% of White adults. English-speaking Asian Americans are even more likely to say they would definitely or probably get vaccinated (83%),” according to Pew.

The survey by Pew found that 60% of Americans overall say they would definitely or probably get a vaccine for the coronavirus if it were available today.

That was the information that Rivera did not want Allard to discuss in December, but that the Alaska Black Caucus is addressing in January.


  1. Just hang in there a little bit longer and Felix Rivera will no longer be on the Assembly after being recalled..!!!! in April 06, 2021

  2. Not sure what the issue is here. Since the shot is voluntary the onus of responsibility is on the community in question – not the muni.

    Race should not be a determining factor in this. The tiers should be by vulnerability. Nothing else.

    The only race issue the Muni should be concerned about is the Iditarod. Treat people as people, equally and according to their actions.

  3. Did Alaska Black Caucus learn its lesson on the October Tuesday when it told Anchorage to discriminately shop at minority own businesses only? where is this groups repentant apology for making black/brown king? What color will one be when they die? will race matter inside the grave? This group is just as guilty as the churches standing down while its peoples they represent are the hardest hit during forced lockdowns, unnecessary mandates, forced mask wearing, and school closures. Where is the Alaska Black Caucus to decrease abortions dominantly targeting their favorite community? where were they when their favorite members were layed off, forced on unemployment, reduced hours? Where are they addressing the black on black crime? Lots of question and these minority focused group be political while the very members are dying and suffering because of their politics.

  4. The solution to the minority concern over the wuhan v vaccine is fairly mundane. If you don’t trust the unproven, rushed, genetically modifying vaccine, don’t get it. Unless Biden and associates succeed in stealing the election, there is, so far, no federal or state mandate requiring it. If Biden and China succeed in stealing the election, all bets are off.

  5. Interesting.
    The conservative is working on behalf of POCs, and the liberal is shutting her down.
    Blacks and Hispanics, WAKE UP! The progressives only care about your vote. They will provide nothing except lip service and a bunch of excuses after they are elected.

  6. We need to go the extra mile here. Perhaps Mr. Rivera could first explain it to them and then understand it for them.

    Hey… that was out of line. Somebody fetch me a gavel!

  7. “The Alaska Black Caucus” Wow. Racism is Alive and well in Alaska/America. I wonder how many other first world countries still segregate their population by skin color?

    • It’s more than that, it’s the bia AKA bureau of Indian affairs, which is under the department of defense. There’s the United negro college fund, not United black kids college fund, there’s the NAACP that talks about colored people. The list goes on and on.

      • The Bureau of Indian Affairs is under the Department of Interior.

        The Indian Health Service is under the Department of Health and Human Services.

        There are Indian, Black, Hispanic, Women, Children, elderly, and every protected class of peopke represented in programs all throughout the Departments – up through the highest levels og government.

        The BIA is just one Division. It is not the only one by any means.

        I understand the emotions but from what I read – the emotion is not based on what is actual.

        And for me, a silver lining of this uproar, is that people are interested in getting more informed.

        But I just encourage to seek to learn about each other.

        It is not easy to do that when everyone is screaming at each other.

        And that leadership message should be coming from people with the positional power.

        But it is not. So let us start here, by example.

  8. Why is story not just some people have a problem with getting a shot? Why do they want to keep bringing up black, brown, yellow and white distinctions? Are most of them men? Democrats? Seafood eaters? Ford drivers? Why not put them into groups like say, eye colour or age? Left handed or right handed? Short hair or long? Finger or toe rings or both? How about height or weight? Everyone is the same in that we are different.

      • What?

        Look, Greg, we all know you are unabashedly a troll, but… what language are you using? You will be much more effective as a troll if you use common English sentence structure of subject-verb-object.

        (And to imply that I Art Laughing has any kind of mental deficiency with an incomprehensible comment…. CBMTTek Art Laughing as well.)

        • Don’t blame me it’s the stupid spell check on my phone. I think you got my point. Anybody who doesn’t get a shot is an idiot. I guess you didn’t see that guy in California the other night on the news that had hoses and stuff plugged into him and he was saying almost in tears but as he gasped for breath he was saying I wish I had worn a mask. Everybody knows you’re a troll but you’re still allowed you’re first amendment rights on here. Actually you’re allowed what the publisher says you can say.

          • What if you have severe allergies to the polypropylene glycol used as a stabilizer? Would getting the shot, and having a potentially deadly anaphylactic shock be better than not taking the vaccine and being called an idiot by a commenter on a blog?
            What does someone who refused to wear a mask have to do with either of my comments above? May I request that you stay on topic please.

          • Obviously if you had allergies to the shot you would have to weigh the risks versus the benefits. I thought anything related to covid-19 was being on topic. every time somebody comes up with some valid evidence that disputes one of your claims you get all butt hurt.

  9. Yawn…Looks like Allard is going all woke. Who cares what the three members of the ABC think? Everyone has the same option to take the shot or not.

  10. Below is a breakdown of how much funding per COVID-19 case each state will receive from the first $30 billion in aid. Kaiser Health News used a state breakdown provided to the House Ways and Means Committee by HHS along with COVID-19 cases tabulated by The New York Times for its analysis.

    $158,000 per COVID-19 case








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    New Hampshire

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    Source is below. To make the link work remove the space after www and replace it w/ a dot. This aid will help all better understand the relationship between federal funding and hospital incentives to designate all patients as COVID patients.


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