Alaska Airlines to hire 3,500 new workers in 2023


While Google announced it is laying off 12,000 workers worldwide, many of them on the West Coast, Alaska Airlines has announced plans to hire more than 3,500 new employees this year. That would increase the 23,000 strong Alaska Airlines workforce by over 15%.

“As we continue to grow and bring dozens of new airplanes into our fleet, we need thousands of people to join the Alaska family,” the airlines said online.

The company, based in Seattle, is looking for maintenance technicians, contact center agents, flight attendants, pilots, customer service agents, and software engineers. Most of the jobs are based in Seattle or Portland, with more up and down the West Coast.

Some of the jobs have benefits like the ability to work from home and flexibility of schedules are also available with some roles. Many of the positions do not require previous airline experience. The openings will be posted at throughout the year. In Alaska at present, there are various jobs open in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Sitka, King Salmon, Juneau, and Nome and nearly all of them have $1,000 or more signing bonuses.


  1. I have to wonder how many of these new hires will be to replace the thousands of former employees who Alaska Airlines terminated, or who simply quit, as a result of their clot shot mandate.

    • When I read the headline I figured no one would have anything negative to say, but leave it to you, Jefferson, to pretend link it to Covid

      • There is no pretending needed, Lucinda. It is obvious and undeniable that many, many Alaska Airlines workers were either terminated for not willing to be coerced into taking the dangerous and ineffective, experimental clot shot, or proactively quit due to the clot shot mandate. To deny that is to deny reality.
        Oh, but that’s right, that is what you radical leftist extremists are all about.

      • Alaska airlines has continued to go downhill since Bruce Kennedy got killed. I was loyal and proud of them for years. They are very disappointing.

        The Airline of twinkle toes and rainbows.

  2. Its to bad they have lost their heads and became torch bearers on the communist initiatives, one of which is Diversity and Inclusion. Also, it appears they are still pushing headlong into ensuring that as many employees as possible are vaccinated and boosted to death. If that is the case, their staffing issues will intensify as the bioweapon becomes increasingly effective at doing its work. From a business standpoint, I suppose they need not worry, because the collapse is going to be system wide.

  3. Don’t worry; most of the jobs will require a background check for a TWIC card and a drug test, so very few Alaskans will qualify.

  4. Art that’s such a shame but not surprising with a POT Shop’s everywhere! Art, I have some questions about Alaska’s Art. 12 Sec. 6 Merit System , that I think you can answer for me .
    I would to dive into the weeds! ha ha a bit My Cell is 907-252-7857.

  5. LOL, in re-reading this article’s headline, I momentarily — but, in one sense, probably accurately — misread it as “Alaska Airlines to hire 3500 new wokesters”.

  6. Gawd. It’s an airline. It isn’t a cabal of neo communists, hypersocialists, leftist drag queen homos. You frightened angry MRAKers have lost touch with reason and civility.

    • No, Lucinda, that is exactly what the management of Seattle Airlines is. And that is what every one of your radical leftist extremists is.
      If you don’t like what you see in the mirror, that is not our fault.

    • I urge that a breath be taken and several questions be posed in the privacy of your own thoughts: Was the idea that the FBI and others in the federal government pressured Twitter to suppress conservative voices on Twitter a conspiracy theory? (Answer: This is true). Is it disinformation to suggest that the mRNA Covid “vaccines” do not prevent transmission of Covid? (Answer: This is not disinformation and the “vaccines” do not stop transmission). Is it rational and reasonable to reject the theory of fifty former national security “experts” that Hunter Biden’s laptop is the product of Russian disinformation? (Answer: Rejection of the “expert” opinion is completely warranted). Finally, and my favorite: Is is reasonable and rational to believe that it is more than a little likely that the Covid 19 virus was created, intentionally or unintentionally in a lab? (Answer: Yes and many scientists and others believe that lab creation is more likely than not).

      My larger point is that people say a lot of things about a lot of things. An adult response would be to acknowledge this, disagree as may be necessary but to avoid dismissing others as irrational, unsophisticated knuckle-draggers that do not listen to NPR. Folks that say things that others do not like may be just as reasonable and civil as anyone else. Diversity of thought at one time was a strength of our society.

      Alaska Airlines has painted itself into a corner with the full embracement of “wokeness”. If they don’t like hearing critics on this point, they should take a different approach.

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