Alaska Airlines reduces flights by 70 percent


The Alaska Airlines management is responding to a dramatic drop in air travel, and as a result is cutting its routes by 70 percent.

“During this crisis, each of us is making the best decisions we can for ourselves, our families and our businesses. Over the past several weeks, as more of our guests shelter in place at home, demand for air travel has plummeted. In recent days, some of our flights have had only several passengers onboard,” the airline wrote.

“But it remains essential that we keep flying. Some of you have a critical need for us to get you somewhere, and it’s crucial we keep cargo moving, which includes transporting mail, food, medicine, medical supplies and an increasing amount of goods that are being ordered online.”

For April and May, throughout the airline’s national network, the 70 percent reduction means 900 fewer flights out of the 1,300 flights per day.

Some regions will be affected at an even greater reduction of service, such as Hawaii, where the governor of Hawaii has issued a mandatory, 14-day self-isolation quarantine for all travelers entering the state. The state of Alaska has also initiated a similar quarantine process.

“Outside of Alaska and Hawaii, we’re still maintaining our basic network footprint but with significantly reduced frequencies of service and the elimination of nearly all red-eye flights.”

Additional reductions are possible as the airline learns more about demand.


  1. Could have avoided this if we had thermal scanners like other countries. We can do a full body scan, but we can’t check if they have a temp of 98.6F or more? It’s an invasion of privacy? Taiwan has less than 200 people with C-19 virus, but they have been scanning people since 2003. They stopped C-19 from mostly coming in the country even before they knew it had a nane. I’ve left three messages for Dunleavy to add scanners over the last two week. I guess it just goes in a pile.

    • Scanners don’t get everybody, but if you use them right, they get most. The thing is, you haft to have a low temp setting like Taiwan of 98.6F. Most people here don’t know much about how to use them. It would be good if we got a consultant from Taiwan or Japan on how to set them up and run them. This why Taiwan and Japan have such low numbers. The USA is flying blind and letting sick people get on the airplanes. Often people know they are sick and fly anyway. Then they infect a whole bunch of other people. That is what has been going on, and STILL is going on. I saw it yesterday at the airport. A sick lady got off an Alaska Airlines flight from somewhere. C-19 or not, that need to stop.

      • Half of the infected people had normal temps. Threshold for fever is 100F. It cuts down the number using temp. Overall normal flu should decrease also with this. But there are still plenty of people that are contagious. Have to wait and see what the real numbers are for Wuhan Virus… it will take time and a major part in retrospect.

  2. Is Taiwan right or you????? Taiwan is. You just don’t know what you are talking about. Read about what Taiwan and Japan are doing to effectively fight the C-19 virus.

  3. Oh look everyone pitching in to reduce our carbon footprint really works! Why did it take a pandemic for everyone to take it seriously?

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