Al Gross screws campaign sign on side of State storage building in Ketchikan


Al Gross’ campaign screwed one of its campaign signs to a building leased by the State of Alaska for lab storage in Ketchikan. At 1283 Tongass Ave, the building is owned by a private company, but leased to the State of Alaska, and used for storage for Fish and Game.

It didn’t take long for this Republican town to respond. A Trump sticker was affixed to the Gross sign.

Not long after that, someone scrawled “is a bitch” on the Trump sticker, which someone had attempted to scrape off, unsuccessfully.

The sign, on the busy thoroughfare, was well-fastened to the building, a job any union would be proud of.

The 2020 general election ends in 28 days.


  1. Worse yet, I have been receiving unwanted text messages from the former doctor and his cohorts….

    Right up until I got gone there was a slim outside chance I might vote for him……That chance has now vaporized.

    • The Pill Doctor strikes again. Doc Gross: please send opiods to Whidbey. 20 mg. of fentynal should be enough to relax him through the election.

  2. Where is the flood of ethics complaints? I remember Palin getting accused of an ethics violation for wearing a snowmachine jacket WITH A LOGO to the Iron Dog start in Big Lake.

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