After officer is shot by suspect on the lam, three Anchorage Assembly members issue statement: Back the Blue, the heroic men and women of APD


Three members of the Anchorage Assembly issued a statement regarding the shooting at the Centennial Campground on Wednesday evening. Assemblywoman Jamie Allard and Assemblymen Kevin Cross and Randy Sulte provided this statement to the media:

“Wednesday night, July 20, 2022, two Anchorage Police Department officers responded to the Centennial Campground and conducted a field interview with a known suspect from an earlier eluding.

“The suspect was uncooperative and fought with the officers. At one point the suspect produced a handgun and fired at the officers. One of our city’s police officers was struck in the abdomen.

“Both officers returned fire and struck the suspect multiple times. Our victim officer was transported to Providence Hospital for emergency treatment. Dozens of police officers and first responders heroically and immediately responded to the scene to provide aid and stabilize the situation.

“The officer is out of surgery, stable and his family was able to visit. Additional information will come out later as the officer recovers. Visitation is still limited at the hospital, and it is requested everyone stay away for now and await more information.

“The suspect shooter was transported to Alaska Native Medical Center and is expected to survive.

“This is a stark reminder of the risk and sacrifices our fine men and women of the Anchorage Police Department and our emergency responders face on a daily basis each time they put on their uniform and take to the streets of our beloved city to respond to threats, enforce laws, and lend help to those in need.

“We wish the officer involved a full and speedy recovery and know this officer will receive the full and overwhelming support of our community. 

“Our hearts also go out to the victim officer’s family, the police officer’s partner, the entire APD force, emergency medical technicians, friends, and colleagues during these difficult times. We can only imagine the impact of this news and are thankful the outcome was not more severe.

“We are also thankful for the deep knowledge, experience, and training that have been provided to our officers by our city and the Anchorage Police Department Employees Association (APDEA) to handle the multitude of situations that they face on a daily basis.

“The department and APDEA are always looking for new officers and if you feel you have what it takes to answer the call, we encourage you to reach out to APD and APDEA.

“For the rest of us in the Municipality, we need to unify and help where we can by being vigilant stewards of our neighborhoods, reporting crimes, and volunteering for local community patrols, neighborhood watches, and other civic groups where we are able.”

The three members of the Assembly, who represent the minority conservative branch of the 12-member body, included links to where people can apply to become involved in public safety in Anchorage:

APDEA: Home – APDEA – Anchorage Police Department Employees Association

APD: Anchorage Police Department

Anchorage Coalition of Community Patrols: Anchorage Coalition of Community Patrols – Home (


  1. So we only have 3 assembly members of integrity right???? To our police our oath takers of integrity our first responders. We are taught to walk in your shoes so we know what it is like. But your the ones that make Jesus smile, and let GOD know this all was not a waste of his time. Only you can do them shoes for the people. We the citizens love you and your integrity of duty. Tell the citizens how to help we will be there. Suzanne president of the ladies union you are ma’am.

  2. This is just a show since elections are near. That and maybe crime has crept into their neighborhoods and they’ve realized defund the police is not a great idea.

    • Jim, with all due respect Jamie Allard has ALWAYS supported APD and spoken out strongly against defunding them. She is very consistent speaking for the Eagle River community and had her mike turned off on multiple occasions by Susan LaFrance and Chris Constant. At least KNOW your assembly members before you make such a statement.

  3. Remember, the people we are praising here were also the ones who had absolutely no qualms about removing people from public meetings if they did not represent the correct view. They will follow the whims desires of the Marxists on the assembly.

    • Give us examples of any of these three removing anyone from a meeting. Get your facts straight or keep your thoughts to yourself.

    • Sadly you are incorrect. Not one of these assembly members above had people removed from the meetings. Far from it, Jamie Allard attempted to re-open public testimony on the “get-rid-of-the-mayor” ordinance, but was silenced by the marxist members. You are thinking of LaFrance, Constant, potty-mouth Zaletel. Please don’t lump everyone on the assembly together. Know your assembly members. Watch some of the muni meetings on youtube and you can see the distinction between the members and their interactions with the public.

    • Examples would be helpful. I can’t recall anyone of the sane trio calling for someone’s removal.

  4. Be damned to due process. Right Allard, Sulte, Cross?

    Is the man not innocent until proven guilty?

    The left side and right side of the pig are still part of the same worm infested swine creature. (Assembly 12)

  5. Thank you APD for putting your life on the line to protect us from people with little values. Also thank you the three assembly members who care about all lives and are not afraid to say so. The other 9 can go into their basements and cry because one of thier voters is going to jail.

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