AFL-CIO flyer supports Rep. Mary Peltola and who?


A door-hanger campaign flyer going around District 10 in Anchorage has a curious combination of candidates. The flyer is produced by the AFL-CIO and supports Rep. Mary Peltola in the Congressional race. But in the Alaska House race, the union supports Chuck Kopp, a Republican who is challenging Republican Rep. Craig Johnson.

Kopp is what is often referred to as a false-flag Republican. He opposes more of the Republican platform than he supports it.

Kopp was in the House starting in 2017, but was beat by Republican Rep. Tom McKay in the primary in 2020, losing 61-39. He is a retired police officer and active proponent of public employee unions. Now he’s taking on the Rules Committee chairman of the House, after having spent the lasts few years working as a political consultant for liberal candidates with his company “Winfluence Strategies.”

He has promoted the likes of Rep. Andy Josephson and Sen. Cathy Giessel and the Anchorage Daily News features his opinion pieces regularly, as he has laid the foundation for his return to elected politics. It appears that he would not be a fit for the Republican majority, however, since he has aligned so closely with Democrats.

In late 2018, Kopp, along with Rep. Jennifer Johnston, Rep. Louise Stutes, and Rep. Gary Knopp led a breakaway group from the elected Republican Majority. 

They installed Rep. Bryce Edgmon as House Speaker. Edgmon, a Democrat, agreed to change his party registration to “undeclared,” to give the Republicans political cover. 

In that organization, Kopp became the powerful chair of the Rules Committee. A year and a half later, he was trying to put together an organization that would make him Speaker. Now, he’s tying to unseat the current Rules chair.

The flyer also promotes “Yes” on Ballot Measure 1, raising the minimum wage.


  1. not sure why ak gop doesn’t make it clear that him and cathy giessel are not republicans or endorsed by the party. these are two life long politicians that lost their seat to real conservatives and are now running/ran to the left to get power back. has nothing to do with doing what is right for alaska, it’s all about their pride/ego.
    can not support anyone that sold their souls for power or got into bed with the afl-cio

  2. Doesn’t matter …. thanks to Dahlstrom, Mary’s a shoo-in.
    Thanks for nothing Nancy (and Donald and Big Mike)
    Get ready for war America, the Democrats have the steering wheel again & they will profit their masters.

  3. This election is a referendum on whether a defined benefit state pension is reinstated for public sector unions. Every district had better understand where their candidates line up on this critical issue.

  4. As long as Alaska doesn’t bother to vote, and those that do just pull for the letter behind the name…

    This is the government we deserve.

  5. I took a closer look at little Mary’s flyer. If she someone got the things she allegedly advocates, workers will get all the freedom they want.

    On the unemployment line. Not having a job frees up a lot of time.

  6. The real problem is , people wait until the wolves are at the door before they see they have a problem , the only way to change anything is to get out and vote. Get out and take part in the political process, and if you don’t vote strait ticket conservative people who are willing to take on the tough issues and make a few hard and easy common sense decisions , then I would say your part of the problem, so you can sit back and complain, but the reality is unless your willing to get out and speak your mind and fight for what’s right and common sense stuff, YOU are the problem, I forget who it was, but somebody said long ago, Your Votes or lack of Votes can surely bring about a socialism/ Marxist type of government , and once you have one in place, the only way out of Socialism is Bullets. So I’d say wake the hell up people before the wolves get in the door, otherwise it’s too late to avoid the chaos that would surely follow! Lastly, seriously, if your voting for a Democrat or a RINO Republican at this point in our history, you are clearly with out a doubt mentally unstable ! !

  7. I love all the people who bash the party and my question to them is where they have been during campaigns against the likes of Chuck Kopp. The party does not have the authority to stop anyone from saying they are Republican. My suggestion to all of you is to call Craig Johnson and offer your help in fighting Kopp. If not, you will definitely have the “return to defined benefits” guy again in office.

  8. The union employees better re think what they are thinking. You either stand for the red white and blue or get out of the country. Very few democrats love America.

  9. I’m not against private sector unions but I’ll tell you what their leadership sucks. The leadership projects nonsense against stock holders of companies and businesses owners the exact people that create the jobs they get. I’m sick if it. The UAW moron with an eat the rich shirt is a prime example. Rich people create jobs. Most of them didn’t start out rich they took huge gambles and worked 100 hour weeks for years to get where they are.

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