Abortion tourism: King County sends $500,000 of taxpayer funds to group to underwrite abortions, travel, and lodging for out-of-staters coming to Seattle to discharge fetuses



King County Council in Washington state passed an emergency ordinance Tuesday to send $500,000 to the Northwest Abortion Access Fund.

The full council voted, with the ordinance passing 8-1. Most members argued the expenditure was justified because the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

“The least we can do as a local government and in conjunction with other partners and local government is to do our part to assist in the fallout from that artificially created emergency,” King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci said in the council meeting.

The ordinance is considered “emergency legislation,” and was voted on less than two weeks after Balducci followed King County Executive Dow Constantine’s request to provide the funds.

“There are thousands of situations for individual women who have suddenly got a very loudly ticking clock in their lives where they might have had the ability to make a rational, informed reproductive choice within a certain amount of time two weeks ago. And today, they’re almost out of time if they’re not out already.” – King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci

According to Heather Mason, a member of the Family Planning program with King County Public Health, 26 states are likely to enact abortion bans or restrictions in the near future. She says an influx of persons from out-of-state will come to Washington State and Seattle for access to abortion.

The $500,000 in funds will now go toward providing not only abortion services, but will also pay for lodging and travel in King County for persons in need.

Councilmember Reagan Dunn, a Republican, was the only one to vote no on the ordinance.

“I do believe that it’s appropriate that these types of nonprofits can and should exist [but] I don’t believe King County taxpayers should be on the hook for paying for these services,” Dunn said. “Particularly when they are being used to help residents from outside King County and Washington State.”

NWAAF was chosen to take charge of handling the funds from the passed ordinance due to the organization’s “extensive experience providing financial support and coordination for both King County residents and people traveling to King County for an abortion,” according to the ordinance’s fiscal note.

The ordinance goes to Constantine’s desk for his signature to authorize the funds to go to NWAAF.


  1. When will the taxpayers wake up? When will the get angry about how their local governments spend their tax dollars?
    If Anchorage is any indication, that will be never.

  2. King County is literally making people pay for other people to come from out of town to abort children.

    This is so sick in so many ways….

  3. There are very wealthy Liberals in King County, especially within the Seattle city limits. They keep voting in these nutballs in so let them foot the bill. I think they should give these new killing centers special names like maybe Auschwitz or Treblinka.

  4. And now AK Air wants us to work overtime for these arrangements. I will go on strike first.

  5. Good. This is how it should be, let the libs raise money to pay for the abortions they insist people have.
    Libs should pay for all abortion; leave the rest of us out of it.
    I know it’s “County taxes” but it’s a crazy liberal county.
    Fell sorry for that lone GOP; who does he even talk to down there?

    Hope our own assembly tries the same thing, let the murderer’s show us who they are
    They can fly people in from rural AK on the MOA dime & prove to us all where their heart is.
    There should be NO government medical paying for this

  6. Well! Since abortionists still plan to continue providing service, we might as coincide with them post abortion grief service advertisement. If you or you know someone is suffering because of a past abortion. No more alaskans got to suffer alone when we can call or text 9 0 7- 312-9009 pace@ anchorage. com all confidential.

    • Symptoms of post abortion grief- forget painful memories, nightmares and flashbacks, depressed, withdrawn, or sad by related dates to baby, abortion, mothers/fathers day, abortion subject makes you tense up, avoid intimate relationship or pomiscuous, harboring unforgiveness, use
      alcohol, drugs, or selfharm activities, overprotect or have bonding issues with current child(ren). Just
      like red flags of an abuser, men and women wouldn’t know there are symptoms to post abortion grief.

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