Sunday, March 16, 2025

Yearly Archives: 2020

Ferry Tazlina heads back into service from Auke Bay

The M/V Tazlina docked at Auke Bay near Juneau on Sunday, where it's tied up next to the broken down M/V Matanuska. It was...

Brena’s oil tax initiative has valid signatures for ballot

BUT GROUP'S FINANCIAL REPORTS SHOW MESSY MONEY TRAIL The oil tax ballot initiative spearheaded by Robin Brena has exceeded the number of valid signatures it...

Transgender runner finishes in middle of pack of women

Megan Youngren of Soldotna was among 450 women to compete in the U.S. Olympic marathon trial in Atlanta on Saturday. As the first transgender...

Joe Biden wins S.C, while Tom Steyer throws in towel

POPULAR VOTE PUTS SANDERS FAR AHEAD With 95 percent of the votes counted, Joe Biden had an overwhelming lead and will win the South Carolina...

Recall Dunleavy group asks Division of Elections if it can collect names out of state

MEANWHILE, IN HOMER THEY TOOK OVER GOVERNMENT PROPERTY The Recall Dunleavy Committee says it is asking the Division of Elections if it can continue to...

Fourth illegal recall petition pops up in Palm Springs

ALSO OREGON, ARIZONA, AND HAWAII HAVE PETITION BOOKLETS A fourth illegal site for collecting recall signatures has popped up in Palm Springs, California. Dawn Sadler...

First COVID-19 death in Seattle, King County

FURTHER TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS TO IRAN, ITALY 12:45 pm Update: Gov. Inslee has declared a state of emergency in Washington state. Gov. Jay Inslee today declared...

Oregon, Hawaii now have illegal petition circulating to recall Alaska’s governor

ARIZONA'S LISTING SUDDENLY PULLED BY RECALL GROUP After an official recall petition was sent to an Arizona man to pick up the signatures of snowbirds...

Recall committee breaks law by gathering petition signatures out of state

That didn't take long. The Recall Dunleavy Committee is already in violation of Alaska Statute for collecting signatures out of state. In Arizona, to...

Alaska Airlines suspends cancellation fees over COVID

Alaska Airlines is suspending its usual cancellation fees through March 12, in response to the COVID-19 virus and concerns travelers may have over their...

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