Walker’s cohost for his first fundraiser: Lots of liberals on board


Mark Begich told his supporters to “keep your powder dry.” He is probably running for governor.

But for the Sept. 5 fundraiser for the re-election of Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott, there’s a liberal flair on the co-host list that should make Begich nervous: From Walker’s longtime supporters Malcolm and Cindy Roberts, Margy Johnson (of the Alaska Dispatch News) to Juneauite Bruce Botelho, there are also a good number of die-hard Democrats. But it’s telling that very few Republicans signed on to co-host the event, which is probably the best poll out there for Mark Begich: Walker is carving out a piece of the Left. The event is being held at the home of his cabinet level oil adviser, John Hendrix. “No stiletto heels, please,” usually means they will have it under tents out on the expansive lawns behind their Atwood Estate home that is now known as “The Marilaine.”




  1. Beings she endorsed these two during the last election, will Sarah Palin hold a Valley fundraiser for them at her house in Wasilla?

    If Begich runs against them this time, they will have to do without a repeat endorsement from him.

    I am voting for Mike Dunleavey myself.

  2. Time to go away from politicians and their lies thieving and corruption … I have no use for politicians, do you?
    we need a businessman or woman to manage business in Alaska…

  3. Very interesting that former ASD superintendent Carol Comeau is still an activist in AK politics. Hmmmm.

  4. Byron Mallot is experienced enough to run against Walker himself. He has extensive ceedentials and experience with all aspects and diversity of Alaska. He has goals that i believe that he knows how to reach. And has a successful track record in all his endeavors. I wonder if our pfd is safe with him…

  5. Bob Atwood named the home the ‘Marilaine’ after his daughters, Marilyn + Elaine. The community calls it the Atwood Mansion. No stilettos please is to preserve the floors.

  6. If being liberal means you want a balanced budget without turning around and smacking oil companies for a tax increase every time you want to buy a new patrol car for Troopers, then yes…..what a bunch of liberals!!!

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