Wow! Quarterly Must Read Alaska report rocks


Readers, thank you very much for visiting the Must Read Alaska web site for the conservative side of Alaska-centric news.

Here’s how MRAK online did in the January-March timeframe:

Must Read Alaska had 173,552 views in March, toward the goal of 300,000 views per month. This month (barring unforeseen server crashes) MRAK will exceed two million views in the two years the web site has been up and running. The number of people I have to thank is too many to name, but you as a reader (and commenter, and sharer on Facebook) count among them.

Here’s the quarterly chart from the WordPress analytical tool:


Must Read Alaska’s Monday newsletter (subscribe in the box at the right side of the home page) has broadcast 689,899 emails in the past 365 days*.

25 percent of those emails are opened (and presumably read).

Thank you so much for reading and sharing Must Read Alaska. I truly appreciate you. Want to help? Donate in the PayPal box, and share Must Read Alaska with your friends and family via email or on Facebook.

*April marks our third anniversary of publishing the MRAK newsletter.


  1. Thank you Suzanne for the enormous amount of work you put into this project every day. With out MRAK, a large percentage of the population would not have a voice. May GOD save our republic.

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