PFD ‘payback’ bills get first public hearings



The Permanent Fund dividend restoration bills will have their first public hearing on Thursday at 6 pm in the Senate State Affairs Committee.

SB 23 and SB 24 are Gov. Michael Dunleavy’s proposal to repay the Permanent Fund dividends that were not paid by the former governor and legislatures over the last three years, and to ensure that the full dividend is paid this year, according to the prior historic formula.

Alaskans with an opinion can have their voices heard during the hearing. Sen. Mike Shower is the chair of the committee.

The proposal would give to eligible Alaskans Permanent Fund dividends of $1,061 in 2019, $1,289 in 2020, and $1,328 in 2021, for those who have been in the state and were eligible for dividends in 2016, 2017, and 2018 respectively. The amount would be paid out of the Permanent Fund Earnings Reserve Account, which has $16.6 billion.

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Dunleavy campaigned on returning the portion of the dividend that was swept up by the former governor and legislatures as they sought to plug the fiscal gap for 2016-2020. He said the government budget should not be balanced on the backs of everyday Alaskans, who have suffered during the recent recession, and that returning the dividends to the people will help restore trust in government.


    • Good catch. That’s the number I was given, but I’m checking now and will correct it if necessary. Check back. Thanks – sd

  1. According to Sen Showers office, 200 people testified. Could not be clearer. Socialists vs all others! I have no idea the numbers but many stated they were willing to not get their PFD. Funny thing, I’ll bet all of them applied for their PFD, even after Gov Dunleavy was elected, knowing his stand on getting the PFD back into our hands!
    So, I and others told them they could, once they get their PFD can write a check to the State of Alaska to give it back and more to give what they think is a fair taxation for them. Also, pointed out that they could either apply for the PFD and Click, Pick and Give it all back to the State of Alaska or Education. Senator Shower confirmed that about an hour into the testimony. Pointed out they they had a choice to not apply for the next PFD either.
    I wrote Senator Shower, that if all these socialist did what they “talked about”, we could have a small amount of income into the State treasury.
    The other comment that was somewhat in a growing number was people saying if SB 23/24 were passed they will leave the State! Wonder how many Rosie ODonnels those are and will not move, but “threaten”, thinking it will “scare” legislators? Me? Let me know and I’ll help them pack! Just hope they go to socialist States!

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