Lost and found: Mike Shower voter registration saga is over



To the Division of Elections’ credit, it has admitted having misplaced the voter registration of Mike Shower, who Gov. Bill Walker had nominated for Senate Seat E. That took some political courage in an era when that quality is sometimes in short supply.

Yesterday, the Division was not able to locate the Wasilla Air Force veteran’s voter registration form, but that changed today when it was discovered, lost in the shuffle.

Alaska Republican Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock said that although he has plenty of criticism for the Elections Division for all kinds of inadequacies, having a voter registration file go missing for a month does happen from time to time. It just doesn’t usually happen in such a public way.

Shower was one of the names submitted by District E Republicans to replace Mike Dunleavy, who had stepped down to focus on his campaign for governor.

Media reports followed the social media posts of a poorly sourced blogger, who said Shower was not a Republican. But witnesses said they saw him register at the District 10 Republican convention on Jan. 13 and his registration was hand-delivered to the Elections Division in Juneau.

Yesterday, Shower re-registered online just to make sure. But today, the Division has found his original paperwork.

Mike Shower, senator designee for District E seat



  1. I am remembering that Governor Walker appointed John Lincoln to replace Representative Westlake. At the time Mr. Lincoln was registered “Unaffiliated” and he was not on the list sent to the Governor by House District 40 Democrats. The House Democrats had no problem with Mr. Linclon. I am not sure if now Representative Lincoln ever changed his registration to Democrat.

    So, what is the big deal with Mr Shower and when he registered as a Republican?

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