Kavanaugh’s former law clerk keynoting Anchorage event


Justin Walker, a former law clerk for Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Anthony Kennedy, will speak in Anchorage on Monday, July 30, from 6:30-8 pm at the Loussac Library’s Ann Stevens Room.

Walker will discuss his experiences working with Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is going through the confirmation process with the U.S. Senate.

After graduating from Duke University and Harvard Law School, Walker practiced in Washington, D.C. He teaches at the University of Louisville, Kentucky, where he was born and raised.

Among his scholarly writings, he has covered topics that include:

  • FBI Independence as a Threat to Civil Liberties: An Analogy to Civilian Control of the Military.
  • What Will Guard the Guardians? Combating Threats to an Independent Judiciary Through Lessons Learned from Theories of Inherent Executive Power.
  • Chilled Chambers: Constitutional Implications of Requiring Federal Judges to Disclose Their Papers Upon Retirement.

Read Walker’s publications here.

Walker’s visit is sponsored by the Federalist Society.


  1. I am going to ask him if it is a requirement that anyone appointed to the Supreme Court must have attended either Harvard or Yale law school.

    IMO, the lack of intellectual and experiential diversity on the Court is getting worse and worse. Eventually it will greatly harm the republic.

  2. we need a real leader as Gov of Alaska, Action Matters more than words that leader would be (Mike Dunleavy for Gov thank you Larry Zenor.

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