House committee assignments gel

Leading the state: The Alaska House of Representatives is now led by a Democratic majority with Anchorage-based Gabrielle LeDoux, center, and two other Republicans (not pictured: Paul Seaton, Homer; Louise Stutes, Kodiak) having switched their voting loyalties to be part of the new caucus.


The Democratic-controlled Alaska House majority caucus has released the updated, corrected list of their committee membership. They’re followed by the Republican House minority’s committee assignments:


Rules – Chair Gabrielle LeDoux; Vice-Chair Matt Claman; Sam Kito; Louise Stutes

Finance – Co-Chair Paul Seaton; Co-Chair Neal Foster; Vice-Chair Les Gara; Jason Grenn; David Guttenberg; Scott Kawasaki; Dan Ortiz

Resources – Co-Chair Andy Josephson; Co-Chair Geran Tarr; Vice-Chair Dean Westlake; Harriet Drummond; Justin Parish.

Community & Regional Affairs – Co-Chair Zach Fansler; Co-Chair Justin Parish; Harriet Drummond; Dean Westlake

Education – Chair Harriet Drummond; Vice-Chair Justin Parish; Zach Fansler; Ivy Spohnholz

Health & Social Services – Chair Ivy Spohnholz; Vice-Chair Bryce Edgmon; Sam Kito; Geran Tarr

Judiciary – Chair Matt Claman; Vice-Chair Zach Fansler; Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins; Gabrielle LeDoux

Labor & Commerce – Chair Sam Kito; Vice-Chair Adam Wool; Andy Josephson; Louise Stutes

State Affairs – Chair Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins; Vice-Chair Gabrielle LeDoux; Louise Stutes; Chris Tuck

Transportation – Co-Chair Louise Stutes; Co-Chair Adam Wool; Matt Claman; Harriet Drummond


Committee on Committees – Chair Bryce Edgmon; Neal Foster; Gabrielle LeDoux; Paul Seaton; Chris Tuck

Economic Development; Tourism; Arctic Policy – Chair Dean Westlake; Bryce Edgmon; Andy Josephson; Chris Tuck

Energy – Chair Adam Wool; Vice-Chair Ivy Spohnholz; Matt Claman; Dean Westlake

Fisheries – Chair Louise Stutes; Zach Fansler; Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins; Geran Tarr

Military & Veterans Affairs – Chair Chris Tuck; Vice-Chair Gabrielle LeDoux; Justin Parish; Ivy Spohnholz


Legislative Budget & Audit – Vice-Chair Andy Josephson; Scott Kawasaki; Paul Seaton; Ivy Spohnholz; Alternate Dan Ortiz

Legislative Council – Chair Sam Kito; Matt Claman; Bryce Edgmon; David Guttenberg; Dan Ortiz; Louise Stutes; Alternate Harriet Drummond

Joint Armed Services – Co-Chair Scott Kawasaki; Zach Fansler; Gabrielle LeDoux; Geran Tarr

Select Committee on Legislative Ethics – Chris Tuck; Alternate Justin Parish


Minority Leader – Charisse Millett

Minority Whip – Mike Chenault

Minority Floor Leader –Dan Saddler

Minority Finance Leader – Lance Pruitt

Rules – Mike Chenault, Lora Reinbold, David Eastman

Finance – Lance Pruitt, Steve Thompson, Tammie Wilson, Cathy Tilton

Resources – Dave Talerico, George Rauscher, Chris Birch, DeLena Johnson

Community and Regional Affairs – Dave Talerico, DeLena Johnson, George Rauscher

Education – Dave Talerico, Jennifer Johnston, Chuck Kopp

Health and Social Services – David Eastman, Jennifer Johnson, Colleen Sullivan-Leonard

Judiciary – David Eastman, Chuck Kopp, Lora Reinbold

Labor and Commerce – Gary Knopp, Chris Birch, Colleen Sullivan-Leonard

State Affairs – Gary Knopp, Chris Birch, DeLena Johnson

Transportation – Mark Neuman, Chuck Kopp, Colleeen Sullivan-Leonard


Committee on Committees – Charisse Millett

Economic Development; Tourism; Arctic Policy – Mark Neuman, Gary Knopp, Dave Talerico

Energy – Jennifer Johnston, DeLena Johnson, George Rauscher

Fisheries – David Eastman, Mark Newman, Mike Chenault

Military & Veterans Affairs – Dan Saddler, Lora Reinbold, George Rauscher


Legislative Council – Charisse Millett, David Eastman, alt.

Legislative Budget and Audit – Jennifer Johnston, Lora Reinbold, at.

Ethics – David Eastman

Joint Armed Services – Lora Reinbold

Regulation Review – Mark Neuman


  1. I am writing Gabrielle and telling her I want my money back to replace her and the two other Republicans in this caucus.

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