Dunleavy gets a big endorsement from …


In the days leading up to the Alaska Republican Party’s State Convention, former Anchorage Mayor Dan Sullivan has made his choice, and it’s Mike Dunleavy for governor.

The video endorsement released in advance of the convention can be seen here.

The 77-second endorsement was posted on Facebook this morning by the political action committee “Dunleavy for Alaska.” It features “Mayor Dan,” the man who ran for lieutenant governor in 2014 and won  74 percent of the Republican vote — 74,000 votes statewide.

Sullivan has at times considered his own run for governor. But that time is not now, evidently: “I’ve thought a lot about this upcoming governor’s race. This next decade is going to be critical for Alaska,” Sullivan starts out, as he looks out a window on a snowy Anchorage day, his back toward the camera. Then he turns to the camera and launches the endorsement: “And that’s why I’m supporting Mike Dunleavy for governor of the great state of Alaska.”

The Republican State Convention is March 8-10 and all candidates who have announced for the Republican ticket are likely to attend, including Dunleavy and his competitors, Mike Chenault, Scott Hawkins, and Michael Sheldon.


  1. I will not vote for anyone that proposes to “enshrine” the Dividend in the Constitution (Dunleavy e.g.). It shows me they have a poor understanding of the Constitutional foundation of our government. The “conservative” thing to do is pay our bills and save for the future. Overinflating our natural economy is another perverse result of the Dividend.

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