Cause journalism: Spot the bias



In another of our series on Alaska Public Media’s Energy Desk’s non-energy reporting, Must Read Alaska brings you recent stories from the energy and environment team, because … Energy!

Big parts of Dunleavy agenda remain unfinished

Alaska lawmakers are trying to fight crime by toughening prison sentences. Not everyone agrees that will work.

In keeping with full transparency, here is the stated mission of the Alaska Energy Desk, followed by the organization’s memo answering criticism of its broad definition.


The Alaska Energy Desk advertises that its support comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the Atwood Foundation, but in a memo addressing the Must Read Alaska discussion of the non-energy related topics it covers, the organization has published a memo saying that only initial funding came from CPB, which is federally funded.

The online ad that shows who is the supporter of the Alaska Energy Desk.

[Read the Alaska Energy Desk explainer memo here]

Meanwhile, over at the Anchorage Daily News, the reporter all but blames Gov. Michael Dunleavy for the fact that the state has run out of other people’s money and one in three villages has no police. See if you can spot the bias:


And Must Read Alaska was charmed by this ADN headline describing former Anchorage Assemblywoman Amy Demboski as a “former mayoral candidate.”