Attorney General Taylor joins coalition to oppose Illinois ban on AR-15 rifles, 30-round magazines

An AR-15 is auctioned off in Nikiski at a fundraiser.

Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor, alongside Attorneys General Raúl Labrador of Idaho and Todd Rokita of Indiana, spearheaded a coalition of 25 states challenging Illinois’ ban on AR-15 rifles and their standard 30-round magazines. In a brief filed with the United States Supreme Court, the coalition contends that the ban is unconstitutional and erodes the Second Amendment rights of citizens.

Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy underscored the importance of the challenge, expressing concern over the precedent set by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to uphold the ban.

“What the 7th Circuit has done with the Illinois’ ban on AR-15 rifles and magazines should frighten Americans,” Dunleavy said. “They have decided to uphold this ban based solely on the appearance of these rifles, and have abandoned all facts concerning their use, function, and Constitutional protection.”

Attorney General Taylor echoed Dunleavy’s statement, criticizing the 7th Circuit’s decision as “absurd at best” and reiterating that the Second Amendment does not let courts categorize firearms based on their appearance.

Taylor expressed confidence in the U.S. Supreme Court’s history of affirming Second Amendment rights and urged the highest court to correct the 7th Circuit’s erroneous interpretation.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling in Barrett v. Raoul upheld Illinois’ ban on AR-15s, contending that the rifles’ militaristic appearance excludes them from Second Amendment protection. However, the coalition of states argues that such a distinction lacks textual or historical basis, emphasizing that the Second Amendment was originally intended to protect arms used in military combat.

The brief filed with the Supreme Court calls for the Court to grant certiorari and rectify the 7th Circuit’s decision. It asserts that the division created by the 7th Circuit between “militaristic” firearms and those used for self-defense is indefensible and contravenes the plain language of the Second Amendment.

Notably, the coalition challenging Illinois’ ban comprises a diverse array of states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Wyoming, as well as the Arizona and Wisconsin Legislatures.

The challenge addresses the fundamental interpretation of the Second Amendment and the extent of permissible firearm regulation by states.


  1. Outreach, this is political outreach, and inference in another state affair. The AG of Alaska should stick to AK, he has nothing to do with any other state.

    • First of all MO did you mean “overreach”?
      Second, since the 2nd amendment is a constitutional law it affects all states. This ruling by a FEDERAL court will set a precedence which can be applied to all other states of the union. Banning firearms solely on their looks, is not a fact-based clearly definable parameter, but an action on an emotion based perception. “It looks dangerous, let’s banned it” is a slippery slope.

  2. They will never stop until one of two things happen. They win, or they get obliterated in multiple elections.

    I’d recommend the good, law abiding gun owners of Illinois to move to Indiana.

      • A lot of ARs are sold without sights.
        That allows the purchaser to decide red-dot? Scope? Iron sights? A combo, red dot with co-witnessed iron sights.

  3. Whats next? A ban on all persons resembling Charlie Manson? Because of “the look”?
    I think Aunt Nancy and Adam Schiff most definitely have his eyes…

      • Have you looked at Maxine “Aunt Esther” Waters lately (or ever)?
        To paraphrase Fred Sanford: “That woman is so ugly, you could press her face into dough and make gorilla cookies.”

    • Direct corollary, banning the magazine as a feeding device not covered by 2A also means the ink reservoirs and print paper rollers for newspapers can be banned.

      The semi-auto or auto loading rifle (Schumer’s FULLY semi-automatic rifle) was first a civilian firearm design as militaries had different concepts of battle for which the bolt action rifle was best. The bolt action rifle was purely an initial military design.

  4. Restrictive gun control laws summed up:
    “You, a law abiding and responsible person are prohibited from purchasing and using something in a law abiding and responsible manner, because someone you have never met might use a similar looking item in a crime.”
    Pretty sure that violates the 6th and 8ith Amendments, and likely violates the 4th and 5th as well.

  5. THe AR-15 has become America’s rifle. There are more AR-15s than Remington Model 700s or Winchester Model 70s. Illinois is just going after the scary-looking low-hanging fruit before moving on to the rest. Meanwhile, only the law-abiding will go unarmed and undefended. When seconds count, law enforcement is minutes away – many many minutes.

      • I am surprised you ask that question.
        When stores are forced to lock up merchandise, instead of being allowed to apprehend and charge shoplifters, it makes one think.
        When BLM rioters are called “fiery but mostly peaceful” while they lay siege to government buildings, it makes one think.
        When members of Congress threaten gun owners with military action, it makes one think.
        When a teenager defending himself against three assailents, one of which is a felon illegally possessing a gun, is charged with murder, while the felon is praised as some kind of victim, it makes one think.
        When an illegal alien is not deported, but instead released into the public so he can kill a college student, it makes on think.
        When an illegal alien is posting TikTok videos encouraging other illegals to occupy/squat in private property, it makes one think.
        When military age Chinese nationals are crossing the border with impunity, it makes one think.
        When a former presidential candidate says that some people will need reeducation, it makes one think.
        When a sitting President gives a speech claiming that his political opponents are a threat to the country, it makes one think.
        When men are not only allowed, but actually encouraged to enter women’s locker rooms, it makes one think.
        When Supreme Court Justices require security details to travel to/from their homes, it makes one think.
        When the news media distorts statements from political candidates in order to stir up the population as a whole, it makes one think.
        When five illegal aliens attack and seriously injure a police officer, but are subsequently released without bail, it makes one think.
        When more time is spent trying to identify people who trespassed into the “people’s house” than is spent trying to arrest and prosecute pedophiles services through Epstein, it makes one think. And, when the leader of that child sex ring somehow manages to “commit suicide” while on suicide watch, it definitely makes one think.
        And, when one spends some time thinking, one comes to certain conclusions. This is not a safe world. There are people out there that will have no reservations about doing you harm. And, I want to protect myself and my family using the most effective tools I can get.
        I look around my house, and I see many things that are flammable. So, I take the proper steps, by placing extinguishers and keeping sources of heat away from flammable items. That is not being paranoid.
        Neither is owning a gun.

      • It’s called learning the lessons of history. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. I always wonder at those who don’t understand the clear language of “…..shall not be infringed”. It’s very simple, truly it is.

  6. Taylor should stay in Alaska’s lane and quit copping a ride on dumbass, out of state concerns.

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