Alaska life hack: McNeil River bear viewing raffle

McNeil River brown bear. Photo credit: Mike Goad via Flickr.

Outdoor Heritage Foundation Alaska’s annual raffle for a brown bear viewing trip to McNeil River ends this week. Tickets are $20 each, 7 for $100, or 40 for $500, through June 20. The drawing is June 21.

The winner gets two permits plus $4,000 for expenses related to transportation, lodging and any expenses related to the stay at McNeil such as camping equipment. The permits being raffled off are for Aug. 6 – 9.

Revenue from the raffle supports wildlife conservation, outdoor education through programs such as Becoming an Outdoors Woman and Outdoor Youth Days, wildlife research and wildlife protection. 

The largest known gathering of brown bears in the world happens at McNeil River, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game says.

“Visitors get an unparalleled opportunity to watch the bears feeding, fighting, playing, and mating. In early July, as chum salmon return to the river to spawn, a series of cascading rapids and pools slows their migration making them easy prey for hungry bears. As many as 74 bruins have been observed in the area of the falls during the peak of the run in late July,” according to ADF&G.

Raffle information and how to buy tickets online are at this link.


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