Your ‘independent’ slate


The IBEW and a slew of Democrat regulars request your presence at a fundraiser for candidates they are offering up as “independents.”

They include Gov. Bill Walker, who first was running in the Democratic Primary, but who fled that ballot when Mark Begich challenged him as a Democrat. In 2014, Walker and Byron Mallot forged a ticket that had the blessing of the Alaska Democratic Party.

The star attractions include Rep. Jason Grenn, who pretended to be independent when he ran in District 22 but caucused with the Democrats. Also on the fundraising invitation is Daniel Ortiz of Ketchikan, cut from the same cloth as Grenn. Chris Dimond, a carpenter’s union guy from Juneau and Shawn Butler, of House District 29 in Kenai, close out the list.

Hosts are all union Democrats or those who have a history of only working with Democrats, including AFL-CIO President Vince Beltrami, who tried to pass himself off as an “independent’ two years ago, but lost badly to incumbent Sen. Cathy Giessel.




  1. I think it’s great that Walker and Beltrami are opposing District 33 Democrat candidate Sarah Hannan as it has the Juneau left running around like chickens. However, Walker has been so bad for trade union jobs that it is driving skilled union workers I know to discard Beltrami and vote for Mike Dunleavy. They see Walker as opposing every large project in Alaska, and they see Walker and Begich as looking out for the public employee unions and trashing the trades. This is an interesting election year. We all have to work hard every day on the Dunleavy campaign; we cannot miss this opportunity to take Alaska back from the greenies and retired bureaucrats.

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