Wielechowski likes Dunleavy. He said so.



When asked, Sen. Bill Wielechowski told radio talk show listeners over the winter that he likes Mike Dunleavy. He likes working with him. He and Dunleavy both agree on the Permanent Fund and “a few other issues.”

Now he wants to not only walk his comments back, he’s sent a letter to Dunleavy for Alaska telling that group to stop playing the audio recording that has him saying how much he appreciates working with Dunleavy and how much he misses him in the Senate.

All of those remarks were made in the public arena, and they can’t be walked back any more than anything else said on radio.

“I like Mike! You know, I wish there were more people who supported the Permanent Fund Dividend… We actually found a way to work on issues, we didn’t agree on things, but we agreed on fish, we agreed on the Permanent Fund and a few other issues… Mike’s a friend of mine, I miss him down here to be honest with you.”

But the ad being run by Dunleavy for Alaska has Wielechowski frantic. He’s sent the group a cease and desist letter.

The Dunleavy for Alaska folks are not cowering over a letter from a politician.

They issued a press release:

“Today, in an orchestrated media stunt, Democratic Senator Bill Wielechowski attempts to distance himself from his own public comments describing his firsthand experience with Mike Dunleavy’s good nature and willingness to work across party lines to get things done for Alaskans,” the press release said.

“Mr. Wielechowski’s demands are utterly frivolous — and it’s a poor reflection on Mr. Wielechowski that he now wants to run away from his own public comments that he made freely and for thousands of Alaskans to hear, simply because they do not align with Mark Begich’s nasty attacks and misleading portrayal of Mike Dunleavy,” said Terre Gales, chair of Dunleavy for Alaska.

Wielechowski has been on damage control for days now, because his words, captured for all time, really don’t match the narrative being painted by the Begich for Governor campaign.

Listen to the audio of Sen. Wielechowski, in his official capacity as a senator for his district, talk about working alongside Mike Dunleavy.

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