Who’s who: Legislative staff list updated


As it does each year, the Legislative Affairs Agency has updated the staff contact list for legislators for the 2022 session. Today is the 10th day of the 2022 legislative session and most of the staff are now onboarded, with just a few openings, such as House Minority Press Office, unfilled. Today is Day 10 of the legislative session.


  1. Funny how Republicans run on a platform of reducing the size of Government and yet a perusal of the staff and office listing attached to this story reveals that these same Republicans are all fully staffed and apparently have an office to house these staffers.

    I worked in the Legislature prior to OIL $. In my memory not one Senator had an office or Staff unless they were Chair of Finance or Senate President. A Legislators office was his or her desk on the Floor of the House or Senate. And some how despite the lack of amenities those Legislators provided their constituents with good roads, Ferry’s that ran on time and far better Schools then we have today. What the heck happened to the concept of leading by example?

    • Robert, it seems legislators are leading by example. The population of our state has grown many orders of magnitude more dependent upon state government than they were in the earlier times you referenced. Legislative staffing numbers mirror our growth in government dependence. Our entire state population is in on this agenda. Its why they call it communism…. comrade.

  2. Many of the women staffers are way above average in cuteness and curb appeal. That is especially welcome in the drab winters Juneau has.

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