Who is Devilsmile and why is he calling for violence against Republicans?


The man who has called for lynch-mobbing of Republican legislators on Twitter appears to be none other than the president of the Anchorage Municipal Employees Association Local 16, a subbranch of AFSCME, a public employee union.

Must Read Alaska has linked his Twitter profile back to a reprographics employee of the Municipality of Anchorage, who also leads the local union.

In a press release regarding the budget vetoes, Brandon Fifer was more collected in his approach:

“Workers win when we stand together. Even though these cuts won’t directly affect AMEA members yet, it impacts our labor brothers and sisters, so we will be standing up to defend Alaskan public services,” said Brandon Phifer, AMEA president and a graphics technician for the City of Anchorage. “This isn’t just for ourselves, it’s for the community at large. Since these vetoes will negatively impact the entire state of Alaska, it is our duty to continue this fight.”

But his Twitter handle shows an entirely different approach — the call for mob rule, and the inflicting of bodily harm.


  1. Just liberals being liberals… he no doubt makes them all very proud to be one. But like most liberals, social justice warriors, “progressives,” and other socialists and wanna-be communists, he hides in the shadows.

  2. Interesting that the press release has the last name of the person being quoted spelled as Pfifer (pf). The article written by Suzanne refers to Fifer. There is no Phifer that works for the muni. Only a Brandon Fifer when pulling up the muni employee list…..Typo in the press release?
    Regardless, if Devil boy works in the Berkowitz administration and gets to tweet like this, no big deal. His boss lets the city run amok. All in a days work! He will probably get a performance bonus.

  3. This doesn’t identify republicans, nor boldily harm. Reads more to me like a desperate plea for attention from legislators

  4. Good work, Suzanne.

    With a name like “Devilsmile” you can assume he is also into devil worship.

    A day of reckoning is on the horizon for the radical leftists who espouse violence with reckless abandon like that.

  5. Don, it’s not too hard to identify who he might be talking about: “Pull the rich asshole out of his house and make …” Maybe a desperate plea. Maybe a call to violence. But it’s kinda like Trump tweeting without naming names. We all knew he was referring to a few ladies who have stated their hate for their proclaimed racist America.

  6. Making a name for himself. Next year he will be running for mayor and getting some jingling for HIS pocket

  7. It’s a chicken and egg question, why do socialists always default toward violence directed at their opposition? Is it because they are socialists? Or are they socialists because they like violence against their opposition? Either way, put them in charge and it is only a short time before the return of the death squads. Cheers –

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