White House celebrated ‘Pride Month’ in June but ignored Purple Heart Day


The clock struck midnight on Aug. 8 Eastern Time, and Aug. 7 had passed without an official White House recognition of Purple Heart Day.

The White House official channel was silent on the matter of honoring wounded and fallen warriors.

Purple Heart Day commemorates the men and women who were wounded or killed by opposing armed forces during military service. The Purple Heart is the nation’s oldest military medal.

Alaska State Sen. Josh Revak is one of the recipients of the Purple Heart. He served two tours in Iraq as a battle tank crewman with 1-37 Armor, 1st Armor Brigade, 1st Armor Division, the “Bandits”. Revak was wounded by enemy mortar shrapnel in June, 2006 and walks only with the assistance of a brace on his shattered leg. Must Read Alaska was unable to reach him for comment.

Speaking for himself and not his organization, Dan Collins, commander of the local Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 0593-AK-3, said that Purple Heart recipients “are not political and don’t expect to be recognized. I think we’ll survive.”

There are about 300 members of the various chapters of the Military Order of the Purple Heart in Alaska. The organization provides support to wounded combat veterans. Fairbanks has been designated a Purple Heart City due to the number of wounded veterans and MOPH chapters.

On Aug. 7, 2020, President Donald Trump issued the following proclamation:

General George Washington established the Purple Heart-then known as the Badge of Military Merit-238 years ago today to recognize meritorious service in action during our Nation’s war for independence. Today, the Purple Heart is reserved for military service members wounded or killed in action. On this day, we pay tribute to these men and women, who have suffered and sacrificed so much for our Nation.

The Purple Heart medal, in its present form, bears the profile of General Washington. An American hero of unparalleled stature in our history, George Washington not only inaugurated this award, but he exemplified the uncommon courage, valor, and devotion to our Nation showed by all who receive it.

As we commemorate the establishment of one of our Nation’s highest honors, we also reaffirm our support and admiration for the remarkable heroes of America’s Armed Forces. Each day, these men and women safeguard peace and prosperity at home and abroad and protect our unique American way of life. Our Nation is forever indebted to these valiant warriors for their service and sacrifice.

The First Lady and I join a grateful Nation in paying tribute to Purple Heart recipients, their loved ones, and our Gold Star Families. As one Nation, we pray for the safety of our country’s men and women in uniform-both past and present-and commit to honoring their legacy of service now and for generations to come.

President Biden acknowledged Purple Heart Day on Twitter today with 27 words:

“This Purple Heart Day, we remember and honor the sacrifice, valor, and grace of all those who were wounded or paid the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield.”

To learn more about the history of the Purple Heart, watch this 2-minute video at Military.com


    • Surprised? Not at all! Leftists hate the average member of the military. They only use the military for social experimentation and nation building. They consider soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines as cannon fodder.
      The bigger question is, what will the rank and file military personnel do when they are called upon to go against a rebellious citizenry as is happening in Sydney Australia? Will they take orders from Biden’s woke commanders, or will they uphold the Constitution? I fear we are rapidly approaching a revolution.

  1. No surprise there!
    Been rough since November 4th 2020.
    Good news and truthfulness are hard to find.
    DC is corrupt and not working for the good of the Country.
    A two hour special on The Highwire with Dell Bigtree makes you wonder, who in the World is pulling the strings.

    The books of Daniel, Ezekiel and Revaluation have told of things coming to the world that 20 years ago seemed impossible. Today they are totally possible and could be happening soon.
    I read that Rand Paul thinks its time for mass civil disobedience.
    Unfortunately, I believe he is right!
    We stand together and remember the politicians by law, work for us.
    It’s time for prayer and seeking wisdom.

  2. Why do homosexuals assume everyone wants to know that they are homosexuals? If I went around telling everyone I have sex with my wife and waved flags and all that declaring to everyone that I have sex with my wife… I would be labeled a crazy person.

    • It’s important for them to feel that you may not think of them as a mentally ill person. It’s the times. I don’t pay them any mind. Just white noise.

      • The lack of recognition and respect for combat wounded veterans by the Biden administration is not surprising. Such respect would require a patriotic effort and dignified character. Qualities Biden never had and never will had.

  3. “Gay Pride” is a nonsensical and oxymoronic phrase.
    If being gay is not a choice, but just an accident of birth, as all the militant homosexual activists would have it, then what is there to be “proud” about in being gay? Pride is something that one can have, and can ONLY have, in an accomplishment or an achievement, or for something which one has struggled to attain. So how can one be ‘proud’ of something that one (supposedly) has no choice in? That would be like being “proud” of having blue eyes, or of being a member of either gender. It is simply illogical.

      • I think that the use of the word “pride” in this context is just another example of the misuse and twisting of words to advance a political agenda.

        • It’s just a way to legitimize something abnormal into the society accepting it as something bona fide. They are relentless because time is on their side. The only way to stop all this madness is drive them back into the closet.

  4. That is because of LGBTQ+pedofiles is Democrat Party’s resurrected Golden Calf, its sacred in their eyes and they need to pay homage to it. It shares a special ranking in their order of worship over their beloved things of this world like Tree worship.
    Military service must be seen as just anpther ordinary everyday work not needed to be honored in Democrat Party’s eyes. Hahahaha

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