What did President Biden know and when did he know the Titan sub had imploded?


President Joe Biden was certainly made aware of the probable implosion on Sunday of the OceanGate submarine Titan during its descent to explore the Titanic wreckage. The submersible lost communication just two hours after it began its dive to the wreckage.

Despite this knowledge, President Biden appears to have deliberately withheld the information from the public, instead fostering hope for the rescue of the five individuals on board — at least until the Hunter Biden plea deal became part of the news cycle.

The truth was ultimately revealed by the Wall Street Journal, which reported today that a military acoustic detection system, designed to spot enemy submarines, detected what appeared to be an implosion only hours after the submersible began its ill-fated journey to the bottom of the sea.

According to U.S. defense officials who spoke to the newspaper, the Navy initiated monitoring for the submarine shortly after it lost communication. The acoustic detection system detected a suspicious sound near the debris site, which was ultimately discovered on Thursday.

While the Navy could not definitively confirm that the detected sound came from the OceanGate submarine, it played a pivotal role in narrowing the search area before the debris was located.

In a statement to newspaper, a senior U.S. Navy official explained, “The U.S. Navy conducted an analysis of acoustic data and detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were lost.”

The Navy shared the information with the incident commander to aid in the ongoing search and rescue mission. Despite indications of a possible implosion, officials decided to continue their efforts as a search and rescue operation, in the slim chance that there were lives to save.

Meanwhile, all news reports throughout the week indicated that the people on board were alive and running out of oxygen, which would have occurred early Thursday morning — except that the vessel had, in fact, imploded days prior. The four-day saga captivated the attention of the world.

To safeguard national security concerns, the Navy refrained from disclosing the specific acoustic detection system employed, as it is typically utilized to identify enemy submarines. But officials would have at least notified the president, the commander in chief.

The official account from the White House and from the Coast Guard at the time were at odds with what they evidently knew to be true.

Biden was “watching events closely, ” the White House said Tuesday and National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said the president wanted the Coast Guard to participate in search and rescue efforts. On Tuesday, Kirby said the US Navy was on standby “should they be needed because they have some deep-water capabilities that the Coast Guard wouldn’t necessarily have.”

The Coast Guard didn’t immediately respond to the Wall Street Journal’s requests for comment about what information it received, when it received it, and how it was used.

“Throughout the search, rescue crews detected several types of noises, U.S. and Canadian officials said, including the one suspected of being the sub’s implosion. An underwater implosion is the sudden collapse of a submarine when the tremendous pressure of the seawater overpowers the pressure inside the vessel and crushes it,” the Journal reported.

Searchers heard sounds similar to knocking from the vessel, but said they couldn’t conclude the noises came from the Titan.

But a U.S. defense official told the newspaper that “the analysis of the acoustic data was a significant factor in scoping the search area, and thereby enabling the assets on scene to locate the degree of the debris field.”

Since the the Navy said it shared its findings Sunday with the Coast Guard, it also would have shared them with the president.

“It looks that the Titan imploded on Sunday on its way down to the Titanic shortly after contact was lost at a depth of around 9,000 feet,” said a source said to have knowledge of the matter.

In 2020, OceanGate Expeditions CEO Stockton Rush, said that he explained that he preferred not to hire “50-year-old White guys” with military experience to pilot the submersible, which is steered with a $30 video game joy stick.

“When I started the business, one of the things you’ll find, there are other sub operators out there, but they typically have gentlemen who are ex-military submariners, and you’ll see a whole bunch of 50-year-old White guys,” he told Teledyne Marine in a 2020 Zoom interview, as reported by Fox News.

“I wanted our team to be younger, to be inspirational, and I’m not going to inspire a 16-year-old to go pursue marine technology, but a 25-year-old, you know, who’s a sub pilot or a platform operator or one of our techs can be inspirational,” Rush said. “So we’ve really tried to get very intelligent, motivated, younger individuals involved because we’re doing things that are completely new.”

On Thursday, OceanGate company issued a statement:

Statement from OceanGate Inc.

“We now believe that our CEO Stockton Rush, Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood, Hamish Harding, and Paul-Henri Nargeolet, have sadly been lost. 

“These men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans. Our hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time. We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew.

“This is an extremely sad time for our dedicated employees who are exhausted and grieving deeply over this loss. The entire OceanGate family is deeply grateful for the countless men and women from multiple organizations of the international community who expedited wide-ranging resources and have worked so very hard on this mission. We appreciate their commitment to finding these five explorers, and their days and nights of tireless work in support of our crew and their families. 

“This is a very sad time for the entire explorer community, and for each of the family members of those lost at sea. We respectfully ask that the privacy of these families be respected during this most painful time.”


    • How do we know Biden didn’t cause the implosion like he did with the Nord gasline. There were influential people on board and I haven’t seen a shred of evidence to suggest they weren’t people that may have refused to fund his dark state with their money.

  1. Paraphrasing:
    “Yeah! Screw experience and safety!
    I mean, look at this controller! So simple a monkey could do it!”

    • And… and.. and… the CEO contributed to Republican candidates! That said…. his mindset and “innovation” with no 50 y.o. white guys doesn’t quite add up to “republican”. It was 50 y.o. white guys that made the rescue attempt possible

      The likelihood of the implosion would still require investigation, and the media could spin anything anyway. Sharing the info with the search groups probably would put a reasonable damper on going overboard (literally) on a futile rescue mission. Everything was done well and having the ROVs initially do the dangerous stuff was great. Whether being by Titanic or caught on Everest in storming whiteout… there are still places on the planet where you are on your own and the clocks is ticking. Quite impressive that they set the ROV down so “quickly” in the right spot…. as if they knew where to look first.

  2. The justified lawsuits are gonna bankrupt that man’s estate.

    And it should. The recklessness and disregard of common sense he showed is criminal.

    This is what comes from ignoring competent people because they are white (mostly male) vets in favor of “inspirational hires”.

    • I’m sorry to say that all of the people signed waivers that said three times you could die doing this dive. So if you think families can sue you are mistaken. The waivers were exactly for that because they were not able to be insured.

      • A woman signed a waiver not to sue doctors if she changed her mind about having her tubes tied. That didn’t stop her from suing doctors when she changed her mind. And she won. After that, doctors started refusing to do tubal ligations.

        If you think the families can’t sue, you are mistaken.

  3. At this point I don’t care what Grandpa knew (if he understood what he was told) or when.

    I expect him and his propaganda machine to release anything at any time if it takes the attention off him.

    • The purpose of the “never let a crisis go to waste” crowd, is to further enable the tyrannical forces of our time.
      We now see them again, using this tragic loss of life for their own evil gains and control by BS tactics and lies.

  4. Regardless of the likelihood the sub imploded on Sunday the search should have continued until oxygen would have run out. The saga benefiting the Bidens was taken advantage of, but also coincidental.

  5. Had to let it play out. Couldn’t save lives. Remember when the CIA had Highs go out and steal that Russian sub? We heard it and knew where it was and didn’t tell the Ruskies till after the wall came down.

  6. Some pretty incriminating information came out today.How Hunter Biden used PapA as leverage to get his money from the Chinese.
    An ancient saying:Politicians aren’t born they are excreted. Marcus Tullius Cicero

  7. So, who is going to pay for the the four-nation search effort? I bet if the folks were known Republicans, the search would have been late, small and sloppy. Kinda cold, but the conclusion is not unwarranted given recent events.

  8. Biden would never let a good crisis go to waste….gotta keep the distraction going during the Durham hearing and the Hunter plea deal.

  9. I don’t really care when or what Biden knew about the Titan sub that imploded. Let’s all learn something from this incident and hope it doesn’t happen again by making safety/certification the number one priority for any manned submersible.

  10. Knowing what we know about Joe Biden, he probably was on the Titanic in 1912 and tried to get the captain to dodge the iceberg. Biden is the biggest liar who ever occupied the Senate, VP, and Presidency. And to this day he believes he won the presidency in a straight-up election contest against Trump.

  11. What a buffalo job. Millions following the story for days, hoping and praying for a rescue of the unfortunates. What kind of world do we live in ?

  12. I don’t believe Biden is cognizant enough of reality to actually understand what just occurred. The man is objectively a vegetable. It is his handlers who run these ops, and they should be but will not be held accountable.

  13. I quote, “these men were true explorers who shared a distinct spirit of adventure, and a deep passion for exploring and protecting the world’s oceans.” What nonsense. Obviously we didn’t want them to lose their lives but there is no reason to lie about them. We all know they weren’t explorers; they were merely tourists who chose a risky tour for bragging rights at cocktail parties. Sadly, the risk returned the worst outcome. No one should be criticized, investigated, or prosecuted. These guys were well aware of the risks. The only good part is the incident may prevent others from making similar choices. If I were on the jury no one would get a dime for anything.

  14. I never imagined dying this way… getting crushed to death by an imploding submarine… but now that I have imagined it, I’d say it’s one of my 3 least favorite ideas of ways to die.

    Still better than falling from an extreme height and having terminal kidney failure. But yeah, not a great way to go imo. God rest their souls!

    • If you go down deep in a submersible or a submarine, that’s always in the back of your mind land lubber. They were mincemeat in a fraction of a second. Didn’t feel a thing.

    • it was probably very quick, which i would much rather happen then being in the dark for days until the oxygen ran out

  15. Sky News Australia has been all over Mr. Biden’s decline and has nailed it over and over. It’s weird, it’s sad, and it’s worth a look.


    • Whatever. Reagan also declined while in office. Biden’s decline is not the problem. Rather, the real problem is his disgustingly stupid communist, totalitarian, and woke ideology. If he was a Christian-constitutional-conservative-Libertarian then we could easily tolerate his infirmities.

  16. According to reports The sub operator had several complaints and had bought much of his equipment “off the shelf” – if true, he was cutting too many corners. Playing with those odds, it was bound to happen. And according to reports, the son of one of the passengers was scared to death but was going along to bond with his father. What a real tragedy. My condolences to the families.

  17. It never occurred to me that President Biden knew ahead of time, and deliberately failed to tell America the submersible definitively imploded, until there was visible proof.

    I sorta thought he was like most of us that held out hope that the blip on the sonar readout didn’t mean that the worst happened. In a way, the few days until we actually knew they couldn’t have survived without oxygen sorta prepared us for the worst outcome.

    If he’d consulted those Reagan tarot cards, guessed and told us within hours of departure they had died, or used a mind Jedi trick it would have spared us any question of invincibility, and the vast minority of us fascinated by his immortal son would have properly focused on the gnashing and wailing at the eternal punishment by infinite justice, and then turn to the next page of Dante’s illustrated guide to impeaching the damned wracked and wretched old man hobbling toward the Gates of Hell. Enquirer would’ve put out the double feature, to be sure. Cynicism and sarcasm are too easily accessible unfortunately.

    • This happens all the time. It might even be considered treason if a commander was to give away our national secrets and the technology that we have to take advantage of the enemy. We got boomers parked in the North Atlantic. As soon as the word got out that the thing had lost contact, those boys turned up their listening devices and put on the earphones and plugged in the computers. You never know when a Russian sub is going to go missing and the Cold war that’s still going on underneath the surface of the ocean would benefit us.

    • Or they could have simply searched the area where the sound of the implosion occurred and come to the realization a lot sooner that the sub had imploded, thus not wasting 4 days inspiring false hope and providing media with a distraction.

  18. I hope the Sub Operating owner get sued to oblivion. On his very statement, he didn’t WANT 50yr old military with experience, but to use young inexperienced 25 yr olds who doesn’t have the experience or hasn’t been taught proper protocols of operating subs. “I wanted our team to be younger, to be inspirational,” …..”but a 25-year-old, you know, who’s a sub pilot or a platform operator or one of our techs can be inspirational,”(younger does NOT have the training or knowledge of experience that a military Navy person would have.” His statement alone should indict him for “murder”.

  19. It’s entirely possible Biden was briefed and thought it was a rerun of Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.

  20. Why don’t we ask Trump I am sure he’s got the specs on that Top Secret system stuffed away in one of his Mar A Lago bathrooms somewhere.

    • Did we ever find out what these documents were? No, probably just some outdated old documents of no consequence. That’s why the media is staying mum about this.

      • Or, Jim, they could be so sensitive that the DOJ doesn’t want to risk national military nuclear security by releasing the details. Maybe trump took benign documents like old issues of Penthouse, but ten bucks says he stole documents that could bring a return, like whatever he sold to Saudi Arabia that netted trump’s son-in-law two fucking billion dollars. Trump is a superb grifter, he knows his market.

        • Thanks for opening Pandora’s Box here so to speak. Let’s get to it, shall we. The “illegal resident” of the White House, Joe Biden, took his son with him on Airforce One many times to meet heads of state around the world. On one particular trip, HUNTER BIDEN returned with a handout of Billions of Dollars. Media reports have shown over time these funds were used to aggressively fund the acquisition of U.S. Companies technology, secrets, and strength. President Trump was entitled to declassify documents under the PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT, and KEEP THEM with appropriate security measures; which he had at Mar-a-Lago where documents in his possession were secure, unlike Joe Biden’s garage, UPenn Biden Center, Chinatown, et.al. HERE’S YOUR ANSWER – CROSSFIRE HURRICANE! The objective evidence that will bring many to trial for treason or worse.
          Uranium One, BleachBit, Smashing Blackberries, Subpoenaed Emails Destroyed, Benghazi – “what difference at this point will it make?”, Clinton Foundation, Billions in Haiti Relief Funds gone missing, Puerto Rico – RICO Racketeering? It goes on and on, we know who the sellouts are and that they have useful consorts like yourself to extend their criminal smokescreen coverup! By the way, please keep your cursing to yourself.
          The Durham Report illustrates the players and their corrupt actions, a basic roadmap to find those sellout’s, and now geo-fencing of Joe and Hunter strong-arming the CCP for $

    • DUH Or maybe the specs were in Bidens Corvette DUH, man every time with you people its like a broken record. I dont even like trump, but give it a rest with that orange man bad stuff at least on articles that have 0 to do with trump lulz yall are worse than the trump cheerleaders

    • You can read all about the US sonar and hydrophone network in the North Atlantic in Tom Clancy’s “The Hunt for Red October” published in the ’80s. Nothing top secret here, just the usual amount of pig ignorance and lefty snark.

  21. This whole thing would not have been a big deal if the crew and passengers were ordinary, middle-of-the-road people like you and me. I wonder how much of an effort would have been made for a rescue and then recovery.

  22. Does anyone really think that Beijing Biden gives a hoot about that sub or its unfortunate occupants when literally his corrupt world is collapsing around him! The evidence of Biden’s treason & corruption is being exposed daily in Congressional oversight hearings. Comey, Stroyk Garland, Biden & probably Obama will be going to the Gray Bar Hotel soon! The evidence is becoming overwhelming.

  23. He knows nothing!
    See nothing!
    Hears nothing!
    Cant even speak correctly!

    Just like a potato!

  24. Wow lots of drama from a tragedy. How soon before Hollywood spins a movie out of it? Who will play Jack and Rose? Will it be a father/son confrontation for not wanting to risk his life?
    I am sure Joe Biden is immortal enough to play himself in the movie using the fake rescue fanfare to divert attention away from Hunters felony gun violations and tax evasion from unreported “wages” for all his hard work in foreign countries.
    Will the CEO be a hero for picking a young gamer over an experienced sub captain for an over budget sub controlled with a $35 joy stick?
    Funny how history and mistakes repeats itself. An over budget titanic sunk by colliding with an iceberg at full throttle as the peasants were penned up in the cargo hold and only a handful of sober Elitests were the only survivors because there was no need for lifeboats on an unsinkable vessel.
    A century later underwater”Explorers” perish in a ship trying to view its remains.
    What is their goal? Valuable artifacts to sell or just to witness the tragedy firsthand and become a movie legend? Maybe find evidence of an alien sabotage?
    They needed Transportation secretary Butagieg. I am sure They would all have survived.

  25. Yeah Greg I am certain Papa Joey and Hunter as well as the entire Biden crime family sleep like innocent children with the level of protection they enjoy at our expense!

  26. President Biden doesn’t live in our world. Why ask the question?
    He wouldn’t know or remember what day it i let alone what was going on

  27. My sympathy to the families of those lost. Interesting how so many people can mock and denigrate the dead so easily these days. We’ve become a Lord of the Flies parody. By the way, since when is it the federal government’s business what happens to a private venture within international waters? I believe the federal government is now the fix-everything nanny/mommy/daddy for the average citizen. Our republic and any semblance of liberty is dying.

  28. The submersible went down for the same the titanic went down: pride, defiance, and arrogance. Some reports think it was descending too fast just like the titanic went too fast and had no time to turn avoiding collision with the iceberg.

  29. And young people especially the younger leaders under 50 can learn Patience, commitment, and grace. Conservative or Republican parents let you teens work as crew members for such restaurants , grocers, hotels. They good entry places to building patience, commitment, and grace when they think no one is watching them. It can help a young mind how to serve unseen and how to perform job duties correctly. It would be easier to criticize a crew member than an employee already in leadership and easier for the crew member to accept it than for a corporate employee who has poor work skills and inexperience. College degrees don’t teach work experience and work skills. There a reason why grandparents born before 1937 worked their way up and why 51 year old white men were chosen to pilot a sub.

  30. Ironically the banking system is imploding, dollar value and economy under water while, trade stops. It’s almost like an enactment in public theater.

  31. I’ve been dabbling in numerology, where numbers are assigned to letters and averaged. “Titan”, “Biden” and “chaos” all return the same number: 13. I think that is more than a coincidence. But I’m not sure.

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