What are the Alaska Democrats thinking for the 2026 governor’s race?

Eric Croft, chair of Alaska Democrats, Mary Peltola, and Fairbanks Borough Mayor Grier Hopkins at a Democrat Party fundraiser in Fairbanks last week.

The Alaska Democratic Party and its associated network of activists are busy trying to find the right candidates for every available position for the coming 2026 election cycle, when the entire House, half the Senate, the Governor’s Office, and a US Senate seat will be on the ballot.

Polling and analysis are part of the process. Recent polls suggest they will run Mary Peltola for governor, and they will keep all other Democrats off the ballot, to the extent they can.

Data for Progress, one of the leading pollsters that inform Democrats, puts Peltola in the driver’s seat in the governor’s race. The poll, conducted Feb. 28-March 7, shows that 44% of respondents say they would rank Peltola, while 34% say they would rank Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom.

Data for Progress, like most pollsters, leans left and is used by Democrats primarily. It frequently advocates for climate change agendas and social justice causes like DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), favored by Democrats.

Political activist Pat Race in Juneau did his own poll. He’s not a professional pollster, but more of an activist with a penchant for data. It’s unclear what his methodology was, but he came up with similar good news for Democrat Peltola.

Race’s “Alaska Governor’s Race 2026 — Let’s not mess this up again” report was heavily responded to by Democrats and nonpartisans (who vote Democrat mainly, according to historical data). Of the 224 respondents, only three were Republicans, and over 25% of respondents were from the Southeast Alaska region, a leftist stronghold.

Race’s mostly Democrat responders ranked these possible gubernatorial candidates. They were offered nearly all liberal choices:

  • Mary Peltola: 30.36%
  • Val Davidson: 12.50%
  • Forrest Dunbar: 11.16%
  • Click Bishop: 9.38%
  • Bill Wielechowski: 7.59%
  • Heidi Drygas: 7.59%
  • Cathy Giessel: 3.13%
  • Alyse Galvin: 3.13%
  • Bryce Edgmon: 3.13%
  • Jesse Kiehl: 3.13%
  • Pat Race: 2.68%
  • Loki Tobin: 2.23%
  • Tom Begich: 2.23%Meda DeWitt: 1.79%
  • Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins: 1.79%Mike Navarre: 1.79%
  • Les Gara: 1.79%
  • Lisa Murkowski: 1.79%

Then Race categorized what he calls the “Flat Tires,” which he said was “anyone who should just stay home.” The result was (verbatim descriptions):

  • Nancy Dahlstrom: 6.25%
  • Dunleavy Lackeys & Crum Bros: 5.80%
  • Any Begich: 4.46%
  • Mary Peltola: 4.02%
  • Sarah Palin: 4.02%
  • Bill Walker: 3.57%
  • Click Bishop: 3.57%
  • Tom Begich: 3.57%
  • Les Gara: 3.13%
  • MAGA Candidates: 3.13%
  • Jamie Allard: 2.23%
  • Al Gross: 1.79%
  • Kelly Tshibaka: 1.79%
  • Mark Begich: 1.79%

While admittedly not scientific, the effort by Pat Race along with the recent Data for Progress poll (done for an unknown client) demonstrate a rising level of interest and support for Peltola for governor among the Democrats in Alaska. Peltola, who now works as a political consultant at the law firm of Holland and Hart, would not have to leave her six-figure job in order to run for governor. She has been making appearances across the state at Democrat events in recent weeks, raising her profile.

There’s no indication that the Democrats want to put Peltola up against Congressman Nick Begich, who beat her in 2024.

On the Republican side, the potential field is still developing, with many politically engaged Alaskans evaluating their chances on the ranked-choice ballot that will still be in effect in 2026, along with a potential ballot question that removes that style of voting that has been used in Alaska since 2022.


  1. Dems will get all they need out of Click Bishop. They won’t waste resources running against one of their own. Republicans will strategically run 16 other candidates who will all split the votes. Day after election Republicans will wonder what happened.

  2. I said it with Walker and I’ll say it with Peltola: Walker will chip away at the PFD and push for some sort of additional taxation. He only succeeded in the first. Peltola? Say goodbye to the remaining 25% of the PFD and welcome either a sales or income tax. Democrats LOVE taking money, as it’s an insatiable appetite of theirs. It’s how they enrich themselves and their cronies. Efficiency, small government, overreach and seriously doing good for the common man are words and phrases that don’t exist in their vocabulary. A vote for Peltola is a vote for less money in your pocket and absolutely no resource development in our state.

  3. I don’t know who took this poll–but I don’t believe Dahlstrom is a good candidate. Peltola was so bad as Representative , can’t believe the Dems are propping her up for Gov. But if they both were running, Dahlstrom would not be strong enough to beat Peltola. We need to do better.

  4. Technical foul…you used “thinking” and “Democrats” in the headline…no penalty if you change “thinking” to “plotting”…

  5. Thankfully she has legal reason to claim Bethel as her primary residence… Let’s see if she tries illegal subsistence fishing in the Kuskokwmim River, like she and Lyman Hoffman usually do…

    Need to advertise how much she’s taken from the Trawl Industry… That will cost her votes out in the rural districts…

  6. This is the Republican’s fault. They have not “firebrand” candidate. You might hate Mary but she will get the Native and center, center left women vote. Who is on the Republican side? No one is in Juneau fighting for the Republicans. This is not good. I don’t know who has the charisma.

  7. Peltola is literally all that they have. Dunleavy is very popular with Alaska Natives so theyre trying to lock in that group (wE aRe NoT a MoNoLiTh). They’re going to start circling the wagons early and every democrat man, woman and child will support her. The Republicans need to do the same as early as possible so the left doesn’t have the opportunity to control the narrative.

  8. The democrats needs to run a former CCP party member who is will fight to rid AK of Caucasians and is a trans person who is required by law to register as an “offender” on the day they are sworn in

  9. Why should Republicans obey the RCV? The courts disobeyed the law themselves, which said ALL INITIATIVES MUST BE SINGLE SUBJECT, while making Republicans obey their warped and unconstitutional rulings. You missed out when, a few decades ago, the courts ordered that the AIP could NOT nominate their candidate by convention. Now, renegade courts have come home to bite everybody.

    Might I suggest that the GOP nominate by convention? Watch how many people will begin registering for their party!


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