Walker’s State-of-State fundraising letter to lobbyists

On the occasion of the State of the Union address by President Donald Trump, Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott sent out a fundraising letter to lobbyists, quoting Walker’s own State of the State Address from Jan. 21.
Although it was short and perfunctory, it puts a point on the need to make sure everyone knows that he has raised more money than any other candidate and would look like a lion when the February reports are filed later this month.
Walker’s hasty letter also reveals that his State of the State address, quoted in the illustration that accompanies the letter, was a two-for-one, serving as his 2018 campaign theme launch:
“Dear Alaskans:
1.  We ran to do the job.
2.  We’re getting the job done, Alaska’s future is bright.
3.  To keep Alaska first leadership – not party first – we need your help.
The strength of our reelection campaign will be judged by the money we raise by midnight, February 1st.  Help us make sure the February reports show we have far outpaced other candidates in the depth and reach of our statewide support.
We ask you to stand with us and stand up for Alaska by donating $25, $50, $100, $250 or any amount up to $500 in the next 60 hours.
A 2018 donation will have the most impact if made right here before midnight Thursday.
Together, let’s keep doing what’s right for Alaska.

Honored to serve,

Bill & Byron
P.S. Donation limits reset for 2018.  Even if you donated $500 per candidate in 2017, you can donate up to $500 per candidate again in 2018.  Thank you for your support.”
(The original Walker-Mallott letter had six links in it where people could click to donate, removed from this site so that we don’t violate Alaska Public Offices Commission rules. Readers who have made it this far are welcome to donate to the Must Read Alaska Project at the one link provided below 🙂


  1. Why in the world would anyone donate to someone who has already shown he is a taker of the True Alaskan People!

    He ran to do the job alright ON ALL OF US! Please go away Waker 🙂

  2. This is the most arrogant governor Alaska has had. He is arrogant to think he can fool Alaskans as he tries to be both an oil production advocate in the eyes of working Alaskans and a climate change adherent for national and state environmental extremists. He is arrogant in hammering at Alaskans to adopt an income tax while he pays his climate change woman $95 an hour to commute from Seattle and his gas line czar $750,000 a year to jet between Texas and Tokyo. He was arrogant in paying $50,000 in state general fund money to ride in Air Force One with Obama. But we have the ability to vote him right out of Alaska, saving Alaska in the bargain. If the French had been allowed to vote they would have not invented the guillotine. Clearly money will come pouring into the Billy-Byron cabal from people doing business with the 3rd Floor, from national environmental groups, and from a few of the people who voted for Bernie and many people who voted for Hillary, but we can win this. We can get behind the Republican running hardest right now, the fellow most likely to trounce Walker, the man who has been unwavering in supporting the belief that Alaskans know best how to spend their own money.

  3. How about you try to get donations from the drug dealers, thieves, and gangsta’s that SB 91 set free to prey upon the citizens of Alaska…

  4. Let’s focus on our (LNG) Project with China and Asia we have the buyers, we have
    (ANWR) also if I was to become your Governor I would be there for one reason

    Let’s make Alaska great again, no more Special Sessions I want our economy
    moving again. Jobs . Legislation no more excuses. My Priority would be once
    again (LNG) and (ANWR). thank you.

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