Shuffle: Walker names long-time Begich aide to commissioner post


Former long-time Begich aide Leslie Ridle has been named commissioner of the Department of Administration.

The former commissioner, Sheldon Fisher, has moved to head the Revenue Department after the departure of Randy Hoffbeck from the Walker Administration.

Such shuffling is not uncommon in the final year of an administration. Earlier, Walker had to replace his attorney general and three commissioners of the Department of Natural Resources, Education, and Public Safety, when his earlier appointments quit.

Ridle has been acting commissioner for several weeks. Prior to that, she was deputy commissioner. Her appointment must be confirmed by the Legislature, but there is no indication she won’t be waved on through.

Leslie grew up in Douglas and Anchorage, according to the Office of the Governor. Her background includes teaching, as well as working for many years for former Sen. Mark Begich, Democrat, whom many are expecting will run for governor against Gov. Bill Walker.

Ridle is a well-known Democrat activist, and joined Begich this spring in cohosting a fundraiser for the Alaska Democrats at the home of former Gov. Bill Sheffield.