Walker-Davidson will skip swearing in



Gov. Bill Walker and Lt. Gov. Valerie Davidson will not attend the swearing in of the new administration on Monday in Noorvik. The governor issued a press release today saying that because of the earthquake, he is choosing to shelter in place. His press release states:

“Lt. Gov. Valerie Nurr’araaluk Davidson, First Lady Donna, and I unfortunately will not be able to attend tomorrow’s swearing-in ceremony in Noorvik. Given the nature and aftermath of Friday’s earthquake, the lieutenant governor and I will remain in Anchorage to assist with the reopening of state facilities and damaged infrastructure.

“I discussed this plan of action with Governor-elect Mike Dunleavy at the State Emergency Operation Center at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson on Friday. I wish him and his Administration the best as they take office and assume control of the recovery efforts.”

It may be the first time in Alaska history when an outgoing administration did not attend the swearing in of his or her successor.


  1. I suppose this may be just as well. Walker is leaving a mess and the new Governor can talk about what needs to be done without seeming to be impolite if Walker is absent. Education, crime, unemployment, wage growth, job growth, and many other measures show how poorly the state has done over the past four years. Walker’s signal moment was SB 26, which pits the PFD against the annual operating deficit, and now SB 26 is to be repudiated by the income Legislature. The Mike Dunleavy election is a mandate to put Alaska on the road to recovery. State and municipal government have become so large that the private sector is displaced. If we return to the balance between the public and private sectors we may one day see the high wages for which Alaska was once known. If we stop coddling burglars, shoplifters, car thieves and the like we may see safety come back. If education returns to the basics we will begin the slow climb to what Alaska once had for education; reading well by 3rd Grade, Algebra no later than the end of the 6th Grade.

  2. A convenient excuse for showing he’s a sore loser.

    It’s disgusting that Mallot and his girlfriend are both going to get away with their behaviors not being fully exposed to the public, but instead swept under the rugs.
    He with his indecency towards his girlfriend’s daughter, and her drunken driving incident, just because she belongs to a club that has the power to sweep stuff like that ender the rug if you’re a Democrat.

    • Mallott’s girlfriend was a VPSO officer whom Mallott hired. Last summer she was at a party near a lake and her car was blocked in by another car. Rather than search out the owner, she used her VPSO 4×4 as a “wrecker” and pushed the other vehicle out of the way, causing extensive damage to the other vehicle. No note was left on the damaged vehicle. A bystander took the license plate number of the VPSO 4×4 and called Troopers. They got her and hauled her ass into court. These are the kinds of people Bill Walker surrounded himself with. Arrogant state employees and pedophiles. I’m sure Dunleavy will do MUCH better.

  3. See you around Bill. We already knew you’d go down as the worst governor since statehood. Thanks for making sure we also remember you as a classless jerk too.

  4. Figures he’d find a way out. He’s been a looser governor anyway. Good riddance and let’s try someone else. When does our new governor actually start working and handling this mess Friday gave us? Pray your family weathered well through the quake. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Here’s an alternate explanation for the Walkers not attending Dunleavy’s swearing in on Monday: Kathy Dodge and the Democratic Party is going to file suit on Monday to allow two extra votes for Dodge in the House District 1 race. That will throw the entire leadership of the State House into question. Bill Walker doesn’t want to be put on the spot during the ceremony. Walker is a coward, like his soulmate Byron Mallott is a coward. Enough said.

  6. The Walker nightmare finally comes to an end today. He will no longer have relevance in Alaska. There is nothing worse for a politician then to be of no matter.

  7. It may be an excuse not to attend the swearing in, but it’s about as legitimate one as anyone could have. I don’t live in Anchorge, but from what I’m seeing there is a lot of mess (literal and figurative) to clean up. Clearly, God loves Alaska, and Alaskans, as his wrath was wrought on the roads, stucco and sheetrock of that city, and not upon the people! Not one fatality! God bless and comfort those touched by this calamity, but mostly THANK God for His mercy and Love!

  8. Dunleavy flying to the other side of the State for a swearing in ceremony while there is a disaster recovery in progress isn’t good. The optics are bad. Is something happening in Noorvik that will help the recovery? Balance the budget? Photo op gone wrong, tin ear exposed?

    • Dear “I Art Laughing”: First, Mr. Dunleavy isn’t Governor until he is sworn in, so that had to happen before he could “balance the budget” or whatever it is you are referring to. The optics are that you are confused and it will matter not what Governor Dunleavy does in your eyes, or the eyes of the rabid mob that will spend the next 4 years attacking him. If he were sworn in at the Egan Center, someone would have complained. If he was sworn in at the SEOC, someone would have complained. If he found a cure for cancer tomorrow, he would be blamed it wasn’t soon enough. Come on. He returned to his “home”. His wife’s home. He was sworn in and greeted by the people of a region where he spent literally decades of his life. Then what did he do? He got right back on that plane AFTER he became the Governor, and got to work. He called a cabinet meeting. Let’s not forget that he is the first Governor to have so many of his Cabinet and other leaders in place so early. He is ready to get busy so please, enough of the optics talk. Find something a bit more substantial to hang your hat on.

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