Video of F-35 crash at Eielson


Must Read Alaska has received this video of the Jan. 28, 2025 explosive crash of the F-35 stealth fighter jet at Eielson Air Force Base:


  1. Thanks for posting. Stunning. It fell like a leaf on a windy day. Glad the pilot ejected and survived. I want to know what happened. Suzanne, please follow up as information becomes available.

        • Thanks Morrigan, I figured that this airplane lost power somehow, I just want to know how Greg can definitively state that the flight control surfaces were working at all with a loss of power, considering this thing flies mostly with a computer (which needs power).

    • I already said what occurred. The pilot was performing routine touch and go maneuvers. Jet lost power at 2000 ft above the deck. Pilot ejected, f35 pancaked into turned area. End of story.

    • Greg what exactly do you want them to do?
      Run and get a bed sheet to catch it?
      I am making the assumption that the person in the video is a mechanic and the best thing he can do is not get in the way of rescue and fire personnel.

      • The crew in the video are over on the kc 135 handstands. Greg is clueless. Looks like SD Is slow on moderation today.

    • Greg, I am increasingly amazed at the depth of your knowledge, whether it’s commenting on the 14th amendment or F-35 flight characteristics you always seem to have a full grasp of the facts. Utterly amazing!

  2. The F-35 is not a weapon system designed for an actual war. The few that successfully fly off well maintained airports are exceptional, but will not survive modern air defense.

    Typical welfare program for a pretend Alaska economy. The Pentagon pretends the failed aircraft concept is essential for national security and we pretend that we have a “free” economy.

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