Video: France insults Christianity with drag rendition of the Last Supper at Olympics opening ceremony

Screenshot from Art of Purpose account at

One of the featured acts for the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Paris on Friday was a drag performance that recreated the Last Supper, the final time that Jesus broke bread with his disciples before he was arrested and hung on a cross.

The burlesque act that mocked one of Christianity’s most sacred moments shocked Christians around the world. The Last Supper marks the first-ever sacrament of Holy Communion, through which Christians are symbolically united with Christ and receive His grace and forgiveness.

The Last Supper living diorama was not the only drag event starting the Olympics. The Friday night show featured men in drag grotesquely parading, gyrating, and preening for the thousands of people from around the world who are attending the opening ceremony, which is scheduled to last three hours.

“Queens everywhere! We couldn’t be happier about this huge moment for drag performers breaking through the mainstream and showing their talents to the entire world,” wrote Out magazine, a publication for LGBTQ. Some 320,000 are expected to be in Paris for the international athletics competition.

The show this year is a far cry from the opening ceremony in 2008, when 2,008 drummers performed at the Beijing Olympics.


  1. So when the world stage is on France to show itself in its best light, they go sacrilegious drag.

    Let the Muslims have France.

  2. During the late 18th Century, French liberals called for the abolition of private property. In the most recent French political cycle socialists have emerged as the leading political movement in France. This comes following France’s full and relatively recent recommitment to NATO in 2009 (France was one of the original 12 founding members of NATO following WWII, but pulled away in 1966). In response to opportunities to expand European socialism through NATO, France has increased its participation in NATO operations both with personnel and through financial contributions. Nonetheless, the United States continues to subsidize NATO, France, and France’s involvement in NATO.

    • Really? When is the last time a Christian went nuclear over being misgendered?

      Or getting pronouns wrong?

      I realize you have nothing to contribute, but I’m curious why you did? Need an ego bump by (in your mind) owning the poor chuds?

      Speaks far more to your insecurity than ours.

      • Religion was invented by man to stave off the fear of death.
        Christian, muslim, hindu, all figments of imagination.

    • Wonder what you would say if that mocked Muslims. Drag queen is adult entertainment and many of us are tired of this agenda being pushed on us. If they think this will help with ratings they are sorely wrong. This has no place in Olympics, period! Oh and just because we have morals and hold ourselves to those morals doesn’t mean we are sensitive snowflakes! I assure if the opposite was happening we would all be crucified!

  3. That was in poor taste but then again, Christianity and other religious BS taught as if it were real is pretty offensive to thinking individuals.

    • Einstein
      Jefferson, Adams, even Franklin.
      Pascal, Newton, Bacon.
      Martin King.
      Philip Rivers.
      Denzel Washington.
      CS Lewis.
      Colin Powell.
      Sam Walton.
      Carla Harris.
      Desmond Tutu.

      And the list goes on and on and on. Far longer and far deeper than your limited understanding can grasp.

      It appears, this clam is far from Scrumptious. Seems rotting and decaying is a bit closer.

  4. I turned it off…absolutely disgusting. Watching with my family. My youngest, just six. Asking, “why men are wearing make up and dresses?”
    The men began kissing and I shut it off.
    Beginning to think the rumors are true about Emmanuel Macron and his Trans/Groomer “wife!”

  5. Mon Dieu! Just imagine if they had instead mocked the Muslim faith to this degree today. But they wouldn’t do that as it would be politically incorrect.

    I would never say this but there are people who would ask, where are the National Socialist German Workers Party when they might be needed?

    The Juneau Assembly made a grant of taxpayer money to “teach drag queen lessons.” Perhaps the Juneau city government officials could watch this Paris performance and grade it. I keep hoping that Juneau voters will give their Assembly a failing grade by replacing the noisome nine but the public employee unions, Planned Parenthood, SNAP and homeless advocates, and downtown Democrats are able to keep the pervert protectors in place year after year despite the incompetence.

    • You can hope, but simple fact is we (common sense, regardless of politics) are outnumbered by people who bother to vote.

  6. More lower consciousness rituals.

    All lesser gods need attention to survive. These performances are merely spectacle to draw your attention.

    This all ends when you just stop looking at them.
    This ends when their performances have no audience.
    This ends when we turn our attention inward and reignite the flame of our own existence and live as the loving gods we are.

  7. Thanks for posting the short video of the 2008 drummers. That was really awesome–I hadn’t seen it before. As far as the “Last Supper” thing, it’s almost unbelievable.

  8. Wow. That’s a stretch. Not every group of folks standing around what appears to be a table (but is actually a fashion cat walk) is a Da Vinci painting.

    The person in the middle is dressed as Lady Liberty not Jesus. Can’t quite understand why folks can’t tell the difference.

  9. This is a disgrace an abomination I nation all Christians should be appalled an offended whatbis this world coming too unbelievable whoever all I wed this should be fired I am so angry with all the crap going on I. This world we dont need this an insult I am furious

  10. I am appalled at the OIC having THIS be allowed at the Olympics! As a Christian this is so insulting and degrading to my belief. It is like burning a cross and so much worse! My Lord and Saviour is mocked and our sacrament of breaking bread and its meaning is ridiculed by this woke group of people and an organization that is suppose to support peace, friendship and mutual understanding. This performance was meant to promoted cruelty, unkindness and animosity! I Have been a faithful watcher of the Olympics, however; I WILL NOT WATCH one more second of the 2024 Olympics in PARIS! And the world wonders what is going on in this world with all the fires, floods and disasters, God is showing us what happens when evil takes power and is allowed to go unchecked! Heavenly Father you teach us not to judge, forgive me for my weakness. Let love be genuine. ABHOR what is evil; HOLDFAST to what is good. Romans 12:9

  11. Sad dishonorable travesty and I feel bad for the athletes. The first thing that comes to mind are some of God’s Words.

    Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…..Isaiah 5:20

    Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight. Isaiah 5:21

    Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed, and depravity. Romans 1:28-32

    Not my words, God’s.

  12. A last supper for the homosexual community before they sacrifice themselves sounds like a great idea. How can they be helped in this worthy goal?


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