Veterans sought for Alaska-based show

A new veteran-related television show is seeking Alaska veterans to feature in an upcoming show. Since roughly one in 10 Alaskans is a veteran, this should be a slam dunk for the show’s producers.
The show’s casting company seeks Alaskan veterans, veterans families, veteran owned businesses, and veterans organizations for a show that will share the stories of veterans and their families who need a little help now that they are back in civilian society.
“We want to help a deserving veteran and their family and in the process also find a way to help the community they live in as well.  It could be as simple as replacing a broken fridge to as complicated as helping them deal with the government or maybe we build a fantastic playhouse for their kids and also build a playground for the town they live in. We are hoping to grant some wishes while telling some amazing stories,” said Russell Berman, casting associate.
Anyone who is interested or would like to nominate a deserving individual or family can email the producers at, call 818-666-3606, or apply online at this link.
“This is a great project that we hope will tell some heartfelt stories and in the process help some veterans and communities who may be in need of assistance,” Berman wrote.


  1. Uh… No. Just, “No.” There is no need to let Hollywood profit from my difficulties. I am not a victim and am not in need of a handout. AND there is no way some media service is going to make profit on my story. Ms. Downing, you may delete this comment if you wish. However, my military training does NOT make me a victim. My military history does not make me helpless. I do not need a handout. if local companies would give a vet a reasonable hearing (look at the VA card, the DD-214, &/or military ID card for retirees) for a job, we will work hard, efficiently and effectively. We will make valuable employees. otherwise, my answer to the “make money from the media circus surrounding the presentation of a vet’s difficulties.” this question is asked by “Pitman Casting — Party Pit Productions.” The answer from this vet is: “Just Say No.” “Not Needed, no thanks.”

  2. I was going through the process on here, and I’m not interested for the simple fact they require an E-mail address for each of your references. It’s looking more like a data mining operation disguised as a let’s help veterans operation.

    There’s only one reason they would require you to put down E-mail addresses for 3 people you know.

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