VA office in Anchorage features gay-pride posters. Is this a violation of the president’s executive orders?

VA office decor features gay pride themes in Anchorage.

At the Veterans Administration offices in Muldoon, a set of posters on the wall that feature gay pride flag and transgender flag colors on dog tags has caught the attention of several people who have posted the images on social media.

Among the people photographed holding what appears to a gay pride emblem is State Rep. Andrew Gray, who worked at the VA as a physician’s assistant and is now an elected official.

The prominent art work appears to be flouting the orders of President Donald Trump to end all diversity-equity-inclusion programs that feature “identity” over competency in the military and across government.

Last week, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee advanced the nomination of Doug Collins to be the next Secretary of Veterans Affairs. But for now, the leadership of the VA is still under the Biden Administration-appointed management, which pushed LGBTQT+ ideology into every department in government.

At least 8,000 transgender individuals currently serve on active duty in the U.S. military, according to the National Institutes of Health in a study from 2019. Other sources say the number is now as much as 15,000. These are individuals that typically cannot safely deploy to a war zone because of their dependence on medications and because many of them have medical complications due to their surgeries and hormone treatments.

According to the NIH, transgender people in the military have mental health risks.

“To our knowledge, only two studies7,8 have been conducted that specifically examined transgender active duty service members. Given the potential vulnerabilities of both active duty service members9–12 and transgender individuals13–18 to mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, stress, substance use, and eating disorders, the risks facing transgender service members may be multi-fold,” the study says.


  1. Yes. It is a violation & doesn’t belong there. How in the world do all they TAX PAYER FUNDED organizations have seemingly endless streams of money when it comes to promoting a political agenda. Just take care of our vets for Pete’s sake!

  2. Correction

    Reminiscent of the Taliban. Vindictive, petty, and no transgression too small to justify a flogging.

  3. From what I read of the EO, it does not *technically* violate it, this gay man is embarrassed by the saturation bombing of the Gay Alphabet Mafia propaganda.

  4. I hate seeing them whenver I go to the VA..this WOKE garbage has destroyed alot of what we’ve ever known as the military.. If they weren’t so vocal and just “melt” into the crowd, it might not cause so much adversity. When they advertize with their rainbow colors and flashy costumes it makes me SICK!!. I also undertand that many LB and Gay groups don’t like(hates)them grouped into this “OTHER” group.

  5. I like how the tags are bigger than the persons holding them. This symbolism shows that it is not about the person, it is about the product of Pride itself. This poster is not encouragement for the LGBT folks, no. This is an advertisement of a brand displayed on paper by a model, not an individual.

    The evidence is right in front for all to witness. It is now up to you to see.

    • The adversary has no clothes, Good point about the size of the tags vs. the person. For many homosexuals their identity revolves 99% around their lifestyle and same sex behavior.

  6. There is something we need to consider, however – AK can forfeit other fed $$$ as long as they are hiring such people. This could possibly change their activities!

  7. So, essentially, they are in the Military to get surgeries and medications paid for. If they can’t be deployed, then they are a financial drain. This is so bizarre given how crappy VA hospitals and doctors are. My experience with the VA and their doctors gave me the impression that the VA protocol is to delay real medical care in the hopes the patient dies, thus saving the VA money and, apparently the doctors and nurses are well compensated for this.

  8. VA has already pushed out an email telling employees to immediately report anyone who doesn’t take action to remove this from government property. Hopefully whoever is in charge of this office gets fired.

  9. The United States of America, and the State flag should be the only flags displayed at the V A. Gay flags, Rebel flags, Nazi flags, African flags etc. are all Separatist flags, should never be seen on V.A. ground. One Nation Under God……MAGA.

  10. It’s just a gay flag, no big deal. It’s the trans that have high jacked and attached themselves to it. They are the ones that don’t belong. Gays have been around forever and it’s no big deal.

    • The “Pride” flag is a country or government. It’s just a flag that can fly anywhere except on Government funded/owned buildings and/or land. The United states Flag is the only symbol that any government agency/building needs.

      We gays have been around forever.. Without a flag. We don’t need a flag to be gay.

  11. I have been going to the VA here in Anchorage for some time and am very pleased with the service and the attention to detail, not to mention how those who work there are so pleasant, and eager to help.

  12. Seems to be a violation. We citizens are also very tired of government entities pandering to the fringe and destructive LGBT agenda. Time to shut it down.

  13. Violation or not, an obvious attempt to snub Trump.

    This is a different ballgame. The rules are changing. It may be F around, find out time.

    Fire the whole admin staff and start over. Repeat as often as necessary until message is received

  14. I have made three calls to VA to take these posters down. Note these are not posters of Vietnam vets or Iraq vets etc. These are not posters that honor those we honor on Memorial Day or Veterans Day. This 365 days of honor of “pride” is an evil that has evaded our country including the VA. Thanks for this article. I was afraid I was alone.

  15. The real story is the posters are probably still up since all the employees there are still teleworking….for now

  16. The Main Lobby of the Anchorage V A, has always had a picture of the President on the wall by the Police Department. As of yesterday there is not a picture of President Trump. The Head of the V.A. has his picture as well two other people on that wall. I remember during President Trump’s first term, his picture the V.A. hung on the wall was a terrible image. It was soon replaced with a better one. Hopefully the woke leadership will be replaced

  17. You all are clearly uneducated about the order that was sent, what is displayed, and apparently you have zero life to be so bothered by something that supports a group of individuals who are discriminated against and marginalized on a daily basis. Your complete uneducated comments prove WHY these posters are up and the need to look out for all who have served our country. First off, there is no flag in any of the photos. Second, this isn’t any different than focusing communication on women’s health, or cancer, or Vietnam Vets – so for those who are against separation, then I hope you don’t ever take advantage of veteran discounts, free veteran health care, or wear anything that shows that you are a veteran or what war you served in since you don’t want to be separated. Third, the order was against DEI – the staff and the programs. DEI covers many things and many people, in fact, ALL people, to ensure everyone is treated fairly. This includes rural veterans, those with disabilities, in wheelchairs, and Veterans themselves. Four, since you think this is pandering to a small group, then isn’t VA care the same? Only about 1% of our country is in the military, so should we just stop offering ALL veteran resources? A fairer comparison would be for you to take a photo of everything hanging throughout the building – not just one tiny section that you don’t like. None of those posting hateful messages deserve to ever wear a uniform – I’d never want to serve with people who may not have my back because of something small that they don’t like. That goes against everything the military stands for.

  18. The issue for me is the poster’s artfully crafted insinuation that they all served in the combat arms when they didn’t. That’s agenda driven stolen valor and must be stopped.

  19. I remember being told in the 90s by a gay activist who was in my office seeking funding for his theater that I might not care about the gay issue, but one day I would be forced to care. He didn’t get his finding, but fast forward to today and his prediction seems to have come true. It’s no longer about leaving them alone. It’s no longer about accepting them. We are all being forced to care. Soon, it may be “or else.”

    • Rollo; on behalf of gays, I apologize for they/them. I too have been forced to accept their insanity. I just want to do what I do in the privacy of my bedroom, behind closed doors.

      They/them are screaming in the streets that we have to accept their hate.

      It’s beyond embarrassing at this point.

      You don’t have to care about us gays since you’re not one. I give you a free pass to say anything you want about The Gays.

      If anyone in the Gay Alphabet Mafia gives you a hard time, show them this post.

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