United Fishermen of Alaska dismiss Gross, endorse Sullivan


The United Fishermen of Alaska announced its endorsement of U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan on Thursday.

The announcement comes as a bit of a body blow to the campaign of his opponent, Al Gross, who presents himself as a commercial fisherman from Petersburg. This is an endorsement that should have come easily for someone with an Alaska gill net permit. Many in the fishing industry are independent voters, and Gross also presents himself as an independent, although he is running on the Democrats’ ticket and with the Democrats’ resources and endorsement.

Sen. Sullivan has demonstrated leadership and effectiveness in advancing the interests of Alaska?s fisheries and fishermen across the state,? said UFA President Matt Alward. ?

“Time and time again, Dan Sullivan has stood up for Alaska fishermen and coastal communities. Whether it was spearheading through Congress a permanent e?emption to the EPA?s overburdensome regulations for incidental discharge from fishing vessels, advancing efforts to reduce and remove tariffs on Alaska seafood, working across the aisle to pass sweeping marine debris and ocean clean-up legislation, or securing critical relief for Alaska fishermen and their families in the face of COVID-19. We look forward to working with the Senator to further improve the Alaskan fishing industry and address issues of importance to our members and the communities in which they live and work,” UFA said.

In 2018, UFA recognized Sullivan for his successful efforts in holding the Canadian government accountable for transboundary? mines that pollute Alaska?s waters and threaten fisheries. He has worked with the Alaska delegation to combat illegal fishing, fought to ensure that illegally caught seafood does not enter the U.S. market, and played a critical role in developing a provision that reduces the cost of a new fishing vessel. Most recently, Sen. Sullivan fought to secure a provision in the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security (or CARES) Act providing $300 million in relief funding for fisheries impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senator Sullivan has also demonstrated his commitment to ensuring the continued success of Alaska?s fisheries. The Senator, through numerous pieces of comprehensive legislation, has championed the issue of addressing the global marine debris crisis, which harms the marine food chain. He included language in the bi-partisan international trade bill, the USMCA (United States?Mexico?Canada Agreement) which ensures that fisheries are a principal point of all future negotiations. Senator Sullivan has worked on barriers that negatively impact entry into the fishing industry and ensured that the next generation of Alaska fishermen have access to resources needed for successful operations. Additionally, Sullivan was instrumental in securing long sought changes to the vessel incidental discharge permit requirements ? which created significant confusion and obstacles for vessel operators and Alaska fishermen.

?Throughout his first term, Senator Sullivan has been approachable, trustworth?, and an effective advocate for commercial fishermen, and we are pleased to continue this partnership in the coming ?ears,? said UFA Executive Director Frances Leach.


  1. Might want to ask Mead Treadwell, Mark Begich, or any other long list of losers how important that Seattle endorsement is. Kowtowing to commercial guys might win you Cordova, but it won’t win the race. Lucky for Dan he’s effectively unopposed in both the Primary and the General.

    • We KNOW how Seattle operates. We don’t need any endorsements from them.. We shouldn’t need to kowtowing to Seattle..

  2. The campaign ad for this guy Gross is very strange. Especially the part where supposedly a Grizzly bear sneaks up on him and he quickly shoots it. Really? Maybe the grizzly was a peaceful protester? Maybe it wanted to shake his hand? Maybe it was just walking around minding its own business. Do the Alaska Wildlife Troopers have record of this encounter? I’m thinking they don’t.

  3. Gross is running as an “Independent” but will vote with the Democrats every time, we’ve seen it time and time again when an “Independent” is elected to office. It’s just another way for the Democrats to gain more power.

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