Tuckerman Babcock files for Kenai Senate seat


Tuckerman Babcock, a longtime influencer in Alaska conservative politics, has filed an official letter of intent to run for Senate. A resident of the Soldotna-Kenai area, he registered with the Alaska Public Offices Commission on Tuesday morning as a candidate for what is now Senate Seat D, the area of the state now served by Sen. Peter Micciche.

Babcock was born in Venezuela and moved to Alaska as a child with his parents in 1966. He graduated from high school in Anchorage and from college in 1983. He worked for three state representatives and two senators; he also worked for two governors: Gov. Walter Hickel, where he was the executive director of the Redistricting Board, special assistant for constituent services, and director of Boards and Commissions; he was chief of staff and senior policy advisor to Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

Married to Kristie Babcock, he is also former chairman of the Alaska Republican Party and served as a commissioner on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and at Matanuska Electric Association, where he was manager of government and strategic affairs, director of human resources, and assistant manager.

Senate Seat D represents Nikiski, Salamatof, Kenai, Soldotna, Sterling, Cooper Landing, K-Beach, Funny River, Hope, Moose Pass and Bear Creek areas of the Kenai Peninsula.

With ranked-choice voting now the method for choosing candidates at the general election, it’s likely Babcock will sail through the August primary due to his strong reputation for hard work, family values, and strategic thinking, and then face fellow Republican Sen. Micciche on the November ballot. Micciche is Senate president and has served in the Senate since 2013, for what was then called Seat O, prior to the 2021 redistricting process. Micciche has filed for reelection for 2022.


  1. Tuckerman Babcock is much of the reason Alaska conservative politics is the poop show it is today.

    Buyer beware, Kenai.

  2. I think there is a material chance this will precipitate Senator Micciche withdrawing from his own campaign. Micciche has a life apart from and beyond the Alaska Legislature, and he has nowhere else to go (little more to contribute) in the Legislature. Being Senate President, at least in this era of Dunleavy being a disinterested party on the Third Floor, has been a bad fit for him. The Senate has a conservative majority but in order to be Senate President Micciche abided having no conservatives on Senate Finance. If the House was not completely dysfunctional it would have rolled right over the top of the Senate, Micciche included. That is why the only thing to talk about is how much will the PFD be, and everything else facing Alaska continues to be hidden away in a desk drawer. So I think that now Micciche can leave knowing the district is in good hands with Babcock. Mia is a shoe-in for Senate President next term. This is all good!

  3. Please please please help us alleviate our state of the blight that is Micciche, he is one of the biggest reasons our state is in a stagflation deadlock right now.

  4. So, it appears he has only worked in a political capacity with the information in the article. Has he done anything meaningful in his life? Any actual work experience that would connect him with regular Alaskans? Asking for a friend.

  5. It has been great to see Texas increase its oil production from 2 million barrels per day to around 6 million per day but sad to see Alaska drop from 2 million barrels per day to around 490,000 barrels per day, it would be nice to see what Tuckerman Babcock offers to increase production and jobs, I am praying for his success.

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