Trump finishes trade truce, flying back through Anchorage


President Donald Trump, fresh off of a negotiation of a trade war truce with China, will head back through Alaska on his way to the nation’s capital on Sunday.

A temporary flight restriction has been announced for 7:15 am through 9:45 am Sunday in the airspace around Anchorage and Southcentral Alaska.

As a part of the trade agreement, the United States will lift some of its sanctions against Huawei, China’s multinational information and communications technology infrastructure and smart device maker. Huawei is the No. 1 telecom supplier in the world and is No. 2 for phone manufacturing. But it has run into legal problems after the U.S. Justice Department alleged theft of intellectual property and fraud. Many U.S. companies, such as Google, have extensive trade relationships with Huawei.

The details of the much-anticipated discussions between Trump and China’s President  Xi Jingping at the G-20 summit in Osaka, Japan, have not been fully released.

[Read the timeline on the Huawei trade dispute]


  1. It seems POTUS was seated next to Alaska’s neighbor on the other side of the Bering Sea…
    “Donald Trump joked with Vladimir Putin about getting rid of journalists and Russian meddling in US elections when the two leaders met at the G20 summit in Japan…
    Twenty-six journalists have been murdered in Russia since Putin first became president, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), many of them investigative reporters scrutinising governmental abuses.”

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