Over 100 cars and trucks took part in a road tour of Soldotna and Sterling on the Kenai Peninsula on Sunday. Organized by District 8 Republicans, the convoy ended at Sterling Community Center, where voters and candidates converged for a rally.
Other Republican candidates included Rep. Sarah Vance, Rep. Ben Carpenter (running for Senate), Bill Elam and John Hillyer, both who are running for House. Ron Gillam, who is challenging Rep. Justin Ruffridge but who was at work on the North Slope, had a group there representing him. There was also a table with a volunteer or two for Nick Begich for Congress.
Alaska State Party Chairwoman Carmela Warfield spoke at the event, which was emceed by Kelly Tshibaka, who is chairing the Trump-Vance campaign in Alaska.

Not taking part in the celebration was Sen. Jesse Bjorkman, running for reelection but opposed by conservative Ben Carpenter. Also not attending was Rep. Ruffridge, who evidently did not want to be associated with Trump.
Love you good conservative folks down on the Kenai. Keep going!
I love and miss the Kenai. An acquaintance of mine has the joyful practice of spending every May through September at his riverside home on the Kenai River. Oh, what a life!
Kelly’s rent must be coming up
Here’s something you’ll never see:
Justin Ruffridge wearing a MAGA hat.
Here’s something else you’ll never see:
Jesse Bjorkman wearing a MAGA hat.
That’s because they’re the smart ones. So you support a pedophile who’s a convicted rapist. Sounds about right.
Who is a convicted rapist?
Friend, you are suffering with a mental illness. You have TDS– Trump Derangement Syndrome. Your making unhinged claims about Donald Trump is your ‘cry for help.’ I suspect deep down inside you realize you’re ill, and you’ve been drawn to this forum in the hope that exposure to conservative opinion will set your mind right. While exposure to Must Read Alaska can certainly help, what may help even more would be for you to watch/listen to the many testimonials on YouTube, etc. of former TDS sufferers who broke free from the shackles of liberal ‘Group Think’ and started thinking for themselves. Good luck!!!
They’ve got my vote.
Most people that worked on his staff or cabinet say he’s a tyrant and America can’t afford the risk.
You mean Harris, correct? Most people who worked for Harris said she was a tyrant and hated her. Hurricanes must have shaken you up a bit?
No. You know I’m right.
Perfect Trump imitation: “Most people…said…” A statement devoid of specificity, rendering it void of evidence. At best, misinformation. At worst, a knowingly bald-faced lie.
America cannot afford another four years of the presidential administration pushing the WEF globalist agenda. I do not care if Trump is a petty tyrant to his Cabinet. I care whether Klaus Schwab and his band of globalist parasites get their way and destroy US sovereignty.
So you think Trump sending Putin covid 19 tests was a good thing? Wow!
You will understand how you have been duped when Trumps gone and the next republican candidate for President is vilified as well. DO some research man.
Anyone who even remotely thinks Trump is this evil bad person is completely off their rocker whacko, it’s all about these entrenched lifers in Goverment , many are corrupts as hell!! Seriously anyone who believes all this garbage the Dems and RINO republicans have been dishing out for 9 solid years now is sick in the head, or part of the loony fringe and low self esteemed bunch, they all fit the same mold, every single one of them, pathetic and laughable !
Hundreds of military brass and former cabinet supporting Trump greg, despite you saying MOST your full of #$&!. Course i know facts make no difference to you. The state of the republic is dismal with the carrier politicians running it into the ground for the last 75 years.
Don’t shoot the Messenger. I’m just talking about his V P, his chief of staff, his ambassador, sec of state, and the chairman of the joint chiefs.
Here’s a newsflash. No human being alive is adored by all. There will be plenty of people surrounding any individual in a work environment who dislike those who they are forced to work with. Cherrypicking out a few that are most vocal proves only that you found the few who are most vocal about their childishness.
You would think that the rat pack would approve of the rat, though, wouldn’t you?
The rat pack in question are all politicians (yes, even the ones who are not elected to office) who are living in an environment where the path to victory includes cutting down the ones above you. It is called DC. Publicly cutting down a public figure gains WAY more points than supporting them.
That depends on if you are on the winning side. The people I mentioned don’t need a job. They weren’t fired by Trump, so no bitterness there. Maybe they grew a conscience or have more fiber. Maybe they speak out because Trump can’t hurt them anymore. Idk. I do think their opinions are still valued by anyone except those that are still in the game.
Does not matter whether you have a job or not. The desire for more power and influence overcomes job security any day of the week in DC. Playing to the side in power against someone upsetting the boat is the safe way to increase your power and influence.
I can only assume that your comment about moral fiber is based on your hatred of Trump, because if they stepped up and spoke out about someone else, say a Bush brother, I would bet your tune would be significantly different.
Let’s sum it up.
Trashing Trump gains brownie points in DC.
Standing up for Trump does not.
Which avenue do you think a long term highly placed Federal employee will take?
He’s a pedophile and a convicted rapist, perfect fit for the MAGA crowd.
Trump is not a convicted rapist. Was never brought to trial for that, was never even charged with rape. The E. Jean Carol case was a libel/slander case, and it was brought in civil court, not criminal court.
Try being informed, instead of just opinionated.
He settled up. Just like Rothlesburger. That doesn’t make you convicted, only questionably innocent.
Only District 8 endorsed candidates were invited to the rally. The last paragraph needs to be edited. Both of the candidates mentioned were not “no shows” but simply did not receive an invitation.
Former Trump officials opposing his bid are greatly outnumbered by those who are supportive
Yeah. They saw it go down first hand.
Stop being petty, Greg.
We all know you despise Trump. No matter how much you bang that drum, we all stopped listening.
You never did listen, and that’s your right. You wouldn’t want to take away my 1st ammendment rights would ya? Surely not. Lol.
Just trying to help a friend save some time and bandwidth.
But, if you want to waste your time repeating endlessly how much you despise Trump, that’s up to you.
Thank you for your permission to participate. Every time I click on here, somebody’s getting paid right?
I am glad you recognize that you need my permission to post. About time.
Lol. You funny man mister Bond.
Despise is as Despise does.
Trump despises and punishes anyone he believes doesn’t or won’t support him. During the CA wildfires, his National Security advisors had to show him voter data of the most severely burned-out regions. They had to PROVE to him that those areas were heavily REPUBLICAN before he would release FEMA disaster funds to California.
Trump is the personification of Revelation 13:17.
So… one person, Mark Harvey said Trump demanded that. No one else verified it in any way.
And… that proves only that one person is trying to make Trump look bad. This is no different than calling the WWI soldiers suckers and losers, again a statement made by only one person, with no verification.
When every news paper runs almost exactly the same story, with one person as a source, doesn’t that make you think… Hmmm… sounds fishy.
Probably not. You must be one of those leftists.
“This is no different…”
If the president displaying such reprehensible, repetitively verifiable behaviors against the people of the United States were named Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama, or Biden….?
Well, you and I know these behaviors would be the foundations of your accusations of a Democratic party conspiracy against America.
“…repetitively verifiable behaviors…”
In order for those terms to apply, the accusation has to come from more than one individual. It does not matter how many news outlets run with the story, if their only source, ONLY source of information is a single individual, it is not repetitive, or verifiable.
And, if a leftist was accused by a single person, I would want a LOT more than just their word for it. If you notice, I am not making a bid deal about Tara Reid, even though there are friends that will back up her accusations, and even today, she can still point to the exact place the assault happened. But, a single person making a statement is not proof. It is where the investigation starts, not ends.
Then again… you probably believe Cristine Blassey Ford is reliable, and her information is verifiable.
Yeah. He didn’t have to piss on Carters grave either. No morals or tact.
All of you living in Kenai that are commenting or writing about this event hopefully have called Carpenter and asked how you could help him and donated money!
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