Trump pick for Ninth Circuit gets confirmed


Seattle attorney Eric Miller was confirmed Tuesday by the U.S. Senate to be the newest judge on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Senators voted 53-46 along party lines, over the objections of Washington’s two Democrat senators, Sen. Patty Murray and Sen. Maria Cantwell, who spent time on the Senate floor objecting to the break in tradition; it was the first time the Senate has disregarded the objections of the two senators from the nominee’s home state.

The appeals court oversees the Western states appeals, including Alaska and is the most left-leaning of the appeals courts.

Miller is with the Perkins Coie law firm, where he had focused on Supreme Court and appellate litigation.

He has presented over 60 appeals arguments, including 16 at the Supreme Court.

In Lewis v. Clarke, 137 S. Ct. 1285 (2017), he won a unanimous decision establishing that the sovereign immunity of an Indian tribe does not bar damages actions against tribal employees.

He was an Assistant to the Solicitor General of the United States, where he represented the government to the Supreme Court in numerous cases, including those involving communications, energy, employment, and administrative law.

Eric was a part-time lecturer at the University of Washington School of Law, where he taught Supreme Court Decision Making. He also clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Miller has been a member of the legally conservative Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies. He donated to the presidential campaign of Marco Rubio.

The American Bar Association gave him a unanimous Well Qualified rating for the seat that opened last March when Judge Richard Tallman moved to senior status.


  1. Hooray!!! This could be the person that will aid in the breaking up of the 9th Circuit and a new one established that will then include Alaska. Hooray!!

  2. Ninth Circuit nominee “Miller is with the Perkins-Coie law firm”

    Woah. Wait. What?

    Perkins-Coie is Hillary Clinton’s law firm.

    They hired Fusion GPS to create the phony manufactured “Russian Dossier”

    This bogus dossier was used against Donald Trump to get FISA Court warrants to spy on Americans working with the Trump campaign.

    The Obama administration then used those FISA warrants to illegally surveil Americans and undermine a legitimate presidential election.

    Sorry, nothing to see here, now move along.

  3. Absolute support for Trump rejecting “blue-slip” prerogative.
    9th Circuit usurping executive powers, affecting us ALL.
    “Blue slip” isn’t law; it’s not constitution. It is a courtesy extended to senators to “veto” federal judiciary nominees to their home state districts whom they consider unacceptable to the local political “texture.” Recent history makes this courtesy a total anachronism. The 9th circuit isn’t deciding cases of local relevance only. The 9th circuit is now the Leftist judge-shoppers go-to place to wage their campaign to effectively RUN the executive branch via the bench. This affects ALL of us ALL over America. The people feigning shock and outrage, with superciliously elevated eyebrows, at how Trump could dare violate this putatively sacred tradition are as phony as a $12 dollar bill. Everybody knows exactly what is going on here. For the sake of the constitution itself it was high time for Trump to do what he did.

  4. I hope that both Senator Murray and particularly Senator Cantwell are apoplectic over the confirmation of Judge Miller.

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