Trump launch watch parties in Fairbanks, Anchorage


Watch parties are the thing this evening around the nation, as President Donald Trump launches his campaign for reelection in Orlando, Fla., which will be live streamed starting at 4 pm Alaska time. Tens of thousands are planning to attend the event live, but elsewhere, Trump supporters will gather to watch on television.

In Alaska, we found two Trump launch watch parties:

Fairbanks: 4611 Maresh Avenue, the home of Ralph and Connie Seekins, 4 pm.

Anchorage: KOAN (radio)-sponsored party at Flattop Pizza, 600 West 6th, with host Eddie Burke, from 3:30-5:30 pm.

Both events are free.


    • Call a Republican to fix the leaky faucet. You Democrats leak like sivs and are unable to fix anything that is broken. 4 more years for Trump.

      • Democrats do those kinds of things. Watch faucets leak, and ponder global warming as the culprit. Back to another bong hit, Gregory.

        • Democrats pay to have PhD students sit near glaciers and watch them advance and retreat. Then report ONLY on the glaciers that retreat. Evidence of anthropogenic global warming. This is the academic game for more university grant money. If a glacier is known to advance, the grant money gets pulled.

  1. “CNN SUCKS!!!” It was a great party. 100’s showed up to get AK kick-started for 2020. Thanks for the heads-up, MRAK.

  2. We are so busy around here but always make time to watch the recorded Trump rallies. KAG! Trump/Pence 2020!

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