Treadwell crushes Ketchikan straw poll, Dunleavy bests in Wasilla



Mead Treadwell, running for governor of Alaska as a Republican, won strong support in a straw poll conducted at the Blueberry Festival in Ketchikan on Saturday.

Treadwell got 25 votes to competitor Mike Dunleavy’s 10 votes. None of the other gubernatorial candidates running on the Republican ticket received votes.

In the lieutenant governor category, it was Kevin Meyer dominating the board, with Sharon Jackson winning votes as well, and no other candidate gaining support.

Both Treadwell and Meyer attended the Blueberry Festival, the biggest event of the year in Ketchikan.

Rep. Don Young swept the board at the straw poll, which was conducted by District 36 Republicans and the First City Republican Women’s Club.

While straw poll results are not scientific, they may represent a general view of how the races are shaping up in Ketchikan.

In 2016, Ketchikan was a stronghold for Donald Trump for president, and Don Young is especially strong in this Republican-leaning district. However, two years earlier, the First City voted only slightly more for Republican Sean Parnell than it did for Bill Walker, who ran as a petition candidate with Democrat Party endorsement.

Lieutenant Governor candidate Kevin Meyer, pleased with his straw poll results at the Ketchikan Blueberry Festival.


Last week at the candidate forum at the Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce, the straw poll conducted after the forum, which included Democrats, Libertarian, and petition candidates, had these results:


Mike Dunleavy 46%
Bill Walker 23%
Mead Treadwell 14%
Mark Begich 8%
Michael Sheldon 6%
Darin Colby 1%
William Toien 1%


Kevin Meyer 31%
Edie Grunwald 26%
Byron Mallott 23%
Debra Call 7%




  1. Let’s evaluate just how important the straw vote in Ketchikan really is. . Ketchikan has a population just over 8,000. The Mat Valley, just over 100,000. We can safely say that the vessel / bowl used by the “straw” in the Ketchikan poll was very small compared to the one used in the Mat Su poll. It may constitute a “more broad view” of what is happening in Ketchikan, but the real broad view strongly favors Dunleavy.

  2. Well it is an interesting thing, WoW Meyer gets endorsed and a fake Poll is put out from the far reaches of the universe…The real vote will show who the cappers are and the games will end…

  3. As long as Mr. Treadwell continues to push the narrative that Mr. Dunleavy supported SB91, Mr. Treadwell will not get my support.

    We have to remember, Alaska wouldn’t have found itself in the current situation with a Governor who can’t lead, won’t tell the truth, and believes it’s the States right to take the PFD from its citizens if it were not for Treadwell. He was the one who cost the Parnell/Treadwell administration the election in 2014 by approving the “Unity” ticket. He should never be forgiven for that.

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