Transgender runner finishes in middle of pack of women


Megan Youngren of Soldotna was among 450 women to compete in the U.S. Olympic marathon trial in Atlanta on Saturday.

As the first transgender athlete to participate in the marathon trials, h/she finished in 2:50:27, which was 230th place out of 390 women who finished.

Youngren, 28, started transitioning to living as a woman in 2011, first with hormone drugs, before going public to openly identify as a woman in 2012. H/She began running to control weight gain associated with hormone treatments and deal with a reoccurring case of shingles.

Youngren only learned last week that h/she had low enough hormone levels to qualify in the women’s division.

Other Alaska women racers in Atlanta included:

  • Keri McEntee of Fairbanks: Did not finish.
  • Anna Dalton of Anchorage: 2:49:24, finished 212nd out of 390.

Alaska men running in the Olympic marathon trial in Atlanta included:

  • Aaron Fletcher of Anchorage: Did not finish.
  • Anthony Tomsich of Fairbanks: 2:25:16, finished 102nd out of 174 men.


  1. Considering how many men have been robbing women in sports by competing as women, it’s fitting that he didn’t win.

  2. Hilarious…
    You go, Megan Youngren of Soldotna!
    But diversity only goes so far, yes?
    Mess with a pack of women trying to get fame and fortune and their faces on a cereal box, you definitely got a tig(ress) by the tail.
    Don’t let go!

  3. It is my politically incorrect opinion that trans-gender is just a way for men to make love to other men, without having to admit that they’re just ordinary run of the mill homosexuals?

    • The first I heard of controlling a discussion and views by claiming a right of being “morally superior” persons was to be offended, also known as politically correct.

      It quickly became a status symbol to be morally superior which made them a “justice enforcer” to silent all non PC, (or an opinion they are against). Soon many people folded or joined the “PC crowd” (many just to keep the peace in public)so that the only allowable view became that of the self entitled intolerant tolerant They have nullify the voice of those with a different view. Discussions become difficult under such rules!

      • The LGBT gang got all hissy fit and demanded their “rights”. Marched on Washington and all that, pulling the high moral ground card. Pulled the same card the abortion rights ladies did. The same card the banks are pulling over the ANWR oil leasing. The same card as the global warming holders. The same card as the recall Trump and Dunleavy unhappy losers.
        We’re being ruled by the ones who make the most noise.

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