Tim Scott files with FEC for president


Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina has officially thrown his hat into the ring for the 2024 Presidential election. The senator’s campaign filed the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission’s website on Friday.

Scott is set to make his formal announcement on Monday in South Carolina, providing a backdrop of familiarity and local support for the conservative senator’s presidential ambitions.

An evangelical Christian and conservative, Scott was raised by a single mother and has always regarded America as a land of opportunity, not oppression. He hinting at a run for the White House when he launched a presidential exploratory committee back in April.

He joins an already crowded GOP field, which includes former President Donald Trump, former United Nations Ambassador and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and talk radio host Larry Elder.

Meanwhile, another big potential contender is on the horizon, as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to declare his candidacy next week.

Scott, who has built a reputation as a unifying figure within the Republican Party, will undoubtedly seek to differentiate himself from his competitors.


  1. Differentiate how? Besides race?

    From what I know of Scott I like him and think he’d be better than 80% of the field. But what’s his signature issue?

    If you’re gonna run, you gotta have two things. Lots of cash and a reason for voters to care.

  2. Smoke and mirrors. This campaign is a non-starter. Tim is another fake Christian like Mike Pence, IMO. One question though, is Tim running for president of the United States Inc. or is he running for president of the constitutional United States?

  3. Good for VP with Trump, or Trump’s Secretary of Education once Trump is back in office.

  4. The Dems want President Trump …..they feel they will beat him again & they are probably right.
    He is “the Devil” they know.

    The SCOTUS decision on abortion (which I support) has energized Progs like nothing else could.
    The important white, female, suburban vote will turn out for libs because of abortion restrictions that are being placed on their daughters & granddaughters.
    Even though re-electing Biden won’t change anything Federally on abortion.

    A solid, christian, conservative minority candidate may bring in more minority votes
    But probably not enough of them.

    One of my big problems w/ Pres. Trump is he shows very little in the way of christian values
    Although I thought his policies were awesome ….. his mouth (& ego) are something else.

    • George D.:
      The Democrats didn’t beat Trump the first time. You really believe Joe Biden received 80 million legitimate votes? Come on, man.

    • “Although I thought his policies were awesome ….. his mouth (& ego) are something else.”

      I completely agree with you on those points, George D — aside from Trump’s wholehearted embrace of the entire Covidian hysteria and control agenda, including his advocacy of the experimental, unsafe and ineffective clot shots, the so-called Covid “vaccines”.

      The man is a braggart, a shallow thinker, a narcissist and an ass. With all that said, he was infinitely preferable as a president to the current Pretendent PotatoHead.

  5. They are throwing every RINO they can into the race because if Trump gets back in office, their criminal syndicate will be pulled out by the roots. Military tribunals anyone? I believe the penalty for treason is still death.

  6. He would make a fine VP! Democrats like black people unless they have conservative views. Then they are “white racists”….???

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