Third quarter: Dems outraised Rs in House, Senate races

Alyse Galvin and Don Young

Democrat candidate Alyse Galvin outraised Congressman Don Young, and Democrat Al Gross outraised Sen. Dan Sullivan in the third quarter fundraising cycle, according to FEC reports that were due on Oct. 15.

Young raised $222,396 this quarter, has $515,087 cash on hand, and has raised $571,395 so far this year.

Galvin, who registered as a nonpartisan but is running as the Democrats’ endorsed candidate for the second time against Young, raised $460,447, and has $401,008 cash on hand. She filed in July, so this is her first FEC report.

The vast majority of Galvin’s donations came through the Democrats’ online donation system called Act Blue.

Among notable contributors are former Attorney General Bruce Botelho, Alaska Democratic activist Rocky Plotnick, former Senate candidate Margaret Stock, Anchorage Assembly member Suzanne LaFrance, retired judges Karen Hunt and Walter “Bud” Carpeneti, former Anchorage Daily News Editor Howard Weaver, Rep. Matt Claman, Rep. Harriet Drummond, Former Second Lady Toni Mallott, scholar Gunnar Knapp, former Anchorage School Superintendent Carol Comeau, and former Sen. Vic Fischer. Striking was the number of donors who are Juneau residents.

Al Gross, who has become the Democrats’ candidate in the U.S. Senate race, has raised $1,011,219. But of that, some $210,000 was his own money. He also scraped tens of thousands of dollars from others around the West who have the last name of Gross.

Among notable contributors to Gross were former State Rep. Terry Gardiner, Mike Szymanski, Attorney Eric Wohlforth, former Gov. Tony Knowles, busRobert Gottstein, Mike Navarre, former judges Walter Carpenter and Karen Hunt, Joe Paskvan, and some 125 donations from Juneau, Gross’ hometown.

In Gross’ case, he has such a name recognition problem, he’ll need to outraise Sullivan significantly from people other than those with the last name of Gross, and outside of Juneau.


  1. Not sure if a billion dollars would help Galvin sound any less informed than she all ready is. And I can’t even guess what she thinks she could possibly offer by filling this seat. She may be a “Nice Person” but she looks to have very limited life experience, or any qualifications that would amount to much. But then again, she could have a great time hanging out with AOC and a bunch of other incompetent liberal bureaucrats while they celebrate their own stupidity.

  2. After a stellar performance of 40+ years of public service, exactly how does Don end his term of service? Maybe(?), it’s time for a succession that continues the great service of conservatism.

  3. It is funny how Democrats cannot win running as Democrats Statewide in an Alaskan election. I find their non- partisan cover amusing. The old addage about our two party system, one being the evil party and the other being the stupid party is applicable here, with Republicans holding down the stupid turf.

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